Vitamins for the reproductive system

22 December 2017, 10:52 | Health
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For the normal functioning of the sexual system, and indeed the entire body, not only macro - and microelements, but also vitamins.

Vitamins are low-molecular organic compounds. They are not as large in size as proteins, fats or carbohydrates. Common to all these compounds is that they consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sometimes nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and occasionally other chemical elements. Vitamins are formed in living nature and are synthesized mainly by plants, partly by microorganisms.

In some cases, vitamins are formed in human tissues. Some vitamins are not synthesized at all, for example, vitamin C, others are synthesized (B1, B2, PP), but in insufficient quantities. This means that a person must necessarily receive them with food. And those who lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports, they are required in increased quantities. This is because with nervous and emotional and physical exertion, the consumption of vitamins. They are also necessary for the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also because with increased sweating there are significant losses of vitamins, especially water-soluble.

Vitamin A. Vitamin A refers to fat-soluble vitamins and is not synthesized in our body (fat soluble is called vitamins, soluble in fats, which are absorbed and absorbed only when the fat content in food is adequate).

Vitamin A, or another name for it retinol, is necessary for us for normal cell reproduction. According to nutrition experts, the lack of retinol leads to a violation of the secretion of sex hormones. It largely depends on the condition of the mucous membranes of the vagina. In conditions of vitamin A deficiency, vaginal tissues are prone to inflammation and infections.

The main suppliers of vitamin A are the following products: fish and fish oil, as well as liver and caviar, eggs, cheese, cream, butter and vegetable oil. In addition, in food products of plant origin contain orange-red pigments - provitamins A, related to carotenoids. The most active activity is B-carotene, which in the body, in the walls of the small intestine, turns into vitamin A. Carotene is rich primarily carrots, then apricots, dogrose, pepper, pumpkin, parsley (it is often called the "grass of love", it excellently increases sexuality), onions, tomatoes, cabbage. Strengthen the action of vitamin A helps another fat-soluble vitamin - vitamin E. Necessarily in the preparation of foods rich in retinol, it should be borne in mind that it breaks down during heat treatment.

Vitamin E. A group of substances united by the concept of vitamin E is called tocopherols. Tocopherol is the main representative of the group of antioxidants (antioxidants). It slows down oxidative processes, weakening the harmful effects of oxidants on body cells. In addition, it is simply necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis, as it increases the body's defenses.

Vitamin E prevents fatigue, delays the development of heart failure, increases the resistance of red blood cells. For the work of the female reproductive system, it is simply necessary, because firstly, it slows down aging, and secondly, improves the functioning of the genital and other endocrine glands, protecting their hormones from oxidation.

Vitamin E helps in disorders of potency and spermatogenesis in men who threaten abortion in women, removes toxic substances from the cells of the vaginal mucosa, and is able to reduce the effects of unwanted symptoms during menopause. Most of the vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, in corn and wheat germs and in various cereals, in legumes, dog-rose, sea-buckthorn, cherry, ashberry, apple seeds and pears. Also, there are a lot of it in sunflower seeds, eggs, liver, meat, butter, milk and nuts.

Vitamin D. It is often called an anti-rosic vitamin, refers to a group of hormone-like substances, united by the common name of sterols. Contained in food products, and is formed in human skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The main function of the vitamin is the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, which ensures the growth and value of bones. In addition, vitamin D is necessary for blood clotting and normal heart function, as well as for controlling the excitability of nerve cells. In conditions of nutritional deficiency, calcium assimilation deteriorates, resulting in the body regulating calcium-phosphorus balance, starts to discharge excess phosphorus through the kidneys. Food choline and lecithin containing phosphorus are also split and discarded. But without these substances it is impossible for the normal work of our sexual system.

Mostly found in the liver of fish, fish oil, sardine, herring, mackerel and cod, as well as in animal liver and egg yolk.

Vitamin F. Vitamin F, of course, could not be mentioned, but its role is very important in the work of the thyroid, adrenal and prostate. Deficiency of vitamin F negatively affects our appearance: fragility of hair, dandruff, varicose veins, deterioration of the quality of the skin. Especially a lot of vitamin in raw nuts and seeds, wheat bran, as well as in cotton, soybean and sunflower oils.

Vitamin C. Many experts consider vitamin C a king among vitamins. The daily requirement is 70-100 mg. But at high loads in stressful situations, in conditions of unfavorable climate, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, this norm should increase.

Ascorbic acid belongs to the category of water-soluble vitamins, it is easily destroyed by heat treatment and under the influence of ultraviolet rays, which is why it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamin C immediately after slicing (such as vegetable salads) without leaving them long in the light. This is perhaps one of the most famous and important vitamins for our body. It stimulates growth, participates in the processes of tissue respiration, the exchange of amino acids, promotes the assimilation of carbohydrates. Ascorbic acid increases the body's resistance to any adverse effects: infections, intoxication, overheating, cooling, oxygen starvation, stress. One of the most important functions of vitamin C is the synthesis and conservation of collagen, a protein that "cement" cells and, in this connection, is the basis for the formation of connective tissues. Collagen fastens blood vessels, teeth, skin, bone and tendons. Vitamin C promotes the assimilation of iron from food, is required for normal hematopoiesis, affects metabolism. Without it it is impossible to assimilate vitamins A, B and E, as well as calcium. The most important function of vitamin C is antioxidant, it weakens the toxic effect of free radicals on our body. It is ascorbic acid that is involved in the development of adrenaline, so necessary for sex, makes us be in "combat readiness", increasing the pulse rate, blood pressure and blood flow to the muscles.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of vitamin C for our sexuality, since it provides the formation of red blood cells and metabolism in the adrenal glands, where its reserves are accumulated. Blood carries around the body oxygen, hormones and nutrients. Pancreas form some hormones that determine the quality of our sex life, including hormone, stimulating orgasm.

Our body contains about five grams of vitamin C, but excessive smoking, stress, taking antibiotics can destroy it. It is very important to take daily supplement preparations, which include vitamin, especially since they are widely represented in any pharmacy. Most of all vitamin C is found in fresh fruits, greens and vegetables, but rosehips, sea buckthorn, black currants, red peppers are just real treasures of this vitamin. Products of animal origin, with the exception of the liver, practically do not contain ascorbic acid.

Vitamins of group B. Vitamins of this group can be safely put on a par with vitamin C, so much their participation and impact on the work of our entire body. All B vitamins are water soluble. This means that with prolonged heat treatment food is depleted by them.

Vitamin B1, or its other name thiamine, can not accumulate in the body, so its reserves must be replenished daily. Daily requirement - 1,5-2 mg. But with neuropsychic stress, especially under stress, pregnancy and breastfeeding, his need should be increased by 30-50%. It is also necessary to increase the dose of vitamin intake in the cold period of time, with a decrease in the ambient temperature.

Vitamin B1 plays an important role in metabolism and, first of all, carbohydrates. This vitamin is necessary for the normal operation of any cell in our body, especially for nerve cells. Tianin stimulates the brain. It is he who increases sexual activity, since it is indispensable in the production of energy and the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Its lack can so weaken our body, that on sexual function it is possible to put a cross. For those who like to be fond of a cup of coffee, and not just one, you need to be careful - caffeine, contained in coffee and tea, destroys vitamin B1 in the body.

Especially a lot of thiamine in dry yeast, legumes, bread, walnuts, liver, heart, egg yolk and bran. Most fruits are not rich in this vitamin. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, refers to flavins - natural yellow pigments that are found in vegetables, potatoes, milk and other foods. It is stable in the external environment, well tolerates heating, but does not "love" sunlight, under the influence of which it loses its vitamin properties. Deficiency of vitamin B2 can be a consequence of our enthusiasm for diets and unbalanced nutrition. The need for it increases in stressful situations, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Vitamin B2 is essential for tissue growth and renewal. Experts believe that riboflavin is of great importance for increasing life expectancy. It positively affects the state of the nervous system, skin, liver and mucous membranes of the vagina. Riboflavin is vital for the development of the fetus during pregnancy, it helps to heal sores in the tongue, mouth and corners of the lips, preserves the health of the skin, hair and nails. Since vitamin B2 plays an important role for our energy industry, its lack can also negatively affect the sexual life. Most of it is contained in products of animal origin: liver, kidneys, meat, milk, cheese, and also in leafy green vegetables, cabbage, asparagus, beans, nuts and seeds.

Vitamin B3, or pantothenic acid, is fairly widespread in nature and food. It is this vitamin many experts call the "memory vitamin". The daily requirement for vitamin is 5-10 mg. Vitamin B3 is adversely affected by acids and alkalis used in canning. When meat is thawed, up to 30% of pantothenic acid is lost, during cooking up to 25%, up to 50% goes into broth while cooking meat.

Very often it is used in the treatment of skin diseases, in addition it is able to reduce the adverse effect of antibiotics. B3 is part of the enzymes that play an important role in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for energy, the choline produced by its participation creates a feeling of sexual arousal, which is also vital for our sexuality. Liver, kidneys, meat, heart, eggs, yeast (beer), seeds and nuts, green vegetables - the main suppliers of vitamin B3 in our body.

B6, it is often called pyridoxine. B6 is found in both food products of animal origin and vegetable. Therefore, with the usual mixed nutrition, our body satisfies the need for this vitamin.

The biological role of B6 is determined by its participation in the exchange of amino acids and proteins, in the production of hormones and hemoglobin in erythrocytes. It is vital for obtaining energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, participating in the biosynthesis of at least three neurotransmitters, is responsible for the occurrence of orgasm.

Deficiency can cause insomnia, irritability and weakness in the body. Pyridoxine is found in yeast, eggs, meat, fish, cereals, cheese, milk, bran, nuts and seeds, as well as in honey.

Choline - one of the most important elements of B vitamins. It is the deficiency of choline that leads to obesity, hypertension and atherosclerosis, diabetes and kidney ailments. This is one of the main components of lecithin. Choline is necessary for biosynthesis of the most important brain neurotransmitters and for the onset of sexual arousal. The best sources are - fish, caviar, poultry, beans and greens.

Inositol (also called vitamin B8), like choline, helps maintain a healthy liver, lowers cholesterol, regulates stomach and intestinal activity, improves the transmission of nerve impulses. Most often it is called the "vitamin of youth".

Inositol and choline are present in lecithin, and since both the brain and the reproductive system, especially the male system, need it, it can be safely asserted that choline and inositol directly affect our sexuality. Contained in grapefruits, soybeans, beans, eggs, in caviar and milk of fish.

Folic acid also refers to vitamin-like substances.

The best sources are asparagus, cabbage (Brussels), greens, liver, as well as nuts and seeds.

Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12, or it is also called cobalamin and anti-anemic vitamin, is the most chemically complex of known vitamins. Its not for nothing is called anti-anemic, it prevents the development of anemia. Vitamin B12 is resistant to heat and remains biologically active even when boiled and then stored for a long time at room temperature without access to light, loses its activity in the light. It significantly affects the metabolism, especially protein, stimulates growth, is needed to maintain the "working" state of the nervous and immune systems. The body uses vitamin B12 to process carbohydrates, fats, synthesize amino acids and create DNA molecules.

With the development of anemia, in conditions of deficiency of vitamin B12, libido is weakened, sexual and nervous disorders occur. It is noted that many vegetarians experience the disadvantage, since it is found only in products of animal origin.

Also, deficiency is observed, usually against a background of iron, calcium and vitamin deficiency. At an early stage, symptoms of B12 vitamin deficiency include chronic fatigue, irritability and slowing of the reaction. If the time does not take action, there are violations of the menstrual cycle, pale skin, flabbiness of the muscles. The greatest amount of vitamin B12 is found in by-products - liver, kidney, heart (beef), beef without fat, whole herring, eggs and cheese.

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