Homeopathy for allergic rhinitis

07 September 2017, 20:20 | Health
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Homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis consists of two stages: treatment of exacerbation and the appointment of a constitutional homeopathic remedy. Properly selected basic constitutional treatment can prevent seasonal exacerbations of allergic rhinitis and significantly reduce the drug load pharmacological agents on the body, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. net When choosing homeopathic drugs, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a particular person. Most importantly, not the "what" a person is sick with, but - "how" he is sick.

Allium cepa (allium cepe, onion): sneezing at the entrance to a warm room. Abundant, irritating, watery secret from the nasal passages. The sensation of a foreign body in the root of the nose. Tears are burning, but not annoying.. Burning in the nose, mouth, throat, bladder and on the skin. Leading symptom is an irritating runny nose, but not irritating tears. Severe photophobia. Effective in phlegmatic, calm patients; for colds in dry cold weather, with hay fever (pollinosis, that is, allergies to pollen of plants). Sometimes it is part of "Antigrippina".

Arsenum iodatum (Arsenum iodateum): copious, watery, burning, annoying secret in the rhinitis, corroding the skin of the upper lip and nasal apertures; painful sneezing. Burning in the throat and larynx. Puffiness of the tonsils. Thickening of the mucous membrane all the way from the pharynx to the lips. Unpleasant odor when breathing. Long-term, chronic cold with otitis media. Runny nose is worse in a warm room, but also from very cold air.

Arsenum album (arsenum albumum): a watery secret from the nasal passages with stuffy nose, irritation of the tip of the nose, a burning sensation. Sneezing, not bringing relief, nosebleeds. Runny nose with deterioration in fresh air and improvement indoors. Acne rash on the nose. Very chilly patients, but they do not like the head to be warm.

Arsenum albumum deeply affects all organs and tissues of the body. This is one of the most commonly used drugs in homeopathy. The most significant symptoms for his appointment are weakness, exhaustion, anxiety, which is amplified at night. It is characterized by severe exhaustion, exhaustion after the slightest exertion. Burning pains. Complaints while staying near the sea. Septic processes with reduced vitality. Feeling of fear and anxiety. Sensitivity to all kinds of confusion and confusion.

Bromium (bromine): runny nose with soreness of nose from corrosive discharge. Occlusion of right nostril. Pressure in the root of the nose. Tickling burning pain, sensation of both cobwebs. Inflating the wings of the nose. Bleeding from the nose facilitates the symptoms of the chest. Propensity to compaction of lymph nodes. They become very dense, but painless and seldom swamped. Improvement on the seashore, from any movement, exercise. Deterioration in a warm room, in warm wet weather. Suitable for young blondes of medium build, with blue eyes, thin hair, beautiful tender skin. With prolonged diseases, the skin can acquire a yellowish-earthy tinge.

Dulcamara (dulcamara, nightshade sweet bitter): nasal congestion, runny nose with thick discharge and crusts near nasal apertures. The edges of the eyelids are inflamed. All symptoms increase dramatically in wet weather, near ponds and ponds, in damp areas. Especially shown during hot days and cold nights at the end of summer. Diseases resulting from sitting on cold damp earth. The need to keep your nose warm. Runny nose in newborns. Runny nose and otitis after swimming in summer or after the pool, after getting wet under the rain. A wonderful remedy for cold allergy in the form of edema Quincke and urticaria. The best results are given to blondes and faces with reddish hair, with freckles, with a calm character, sociable.

Euphrasia (euphrasia): a particularly pronounced effect on the conjunctiva of the eye. Profuse fluid running nose with severe cough and conjunctivitis. Eyes all the time watery, eyelids edematous, itchy eyes. Adhesive mucus and small vesicles on the cornea, corneal opacity. Deterioration from light, indoors, warm, from the south wind. Improvement from coffee, in the dark.

Sabadilla (Sabadilla): spastic sneezing with a "flowing cold", pain in the forehead, reddening of the eyes with lacrimation. Feeling of a coma in the throat with a constant desire to swallow. Hypersensitivity to the smell of garlic. Alternate obstruction of nasal passages. "Rear" rhinitis with the flow of mucus with an admixture of blood on the back wall of the pharynx. Deterioration from cold air. Desire to drink hot drinks. Allergies to house dust, mites, animal hair.

Scilla (Scylla, sea onion): constant very strong sneezing with liquid secretions. Sneezing during a cough, eyes watering, children rubbing eyes and nose with their hands. Corrosive, irritating discharge in the morning. When coughing and sneezing, there may be an involuntary leakage of urine. Drowsing rash under the nose, causing itching and burning. Feeling as if your eyes are covered with cold water. Improvement at rest, with warm wrapping. Affects the kidneys and helps reduce swelling by increasing the volume of the waste urine. Characterized by severe anxiety, sometimes anger over trifles, unwillingness to work.

Wyethia (Vietsia): symptoms of hay fever with very severe itching and tickling in the throat. The patient constantly clears throat, but does not get relief from trying to clear his throat. Itching of the palate. Feeling of palatine enlargement. A good remedy for throat irritation in singers and orators.

Recommended drugs are more often used in the 6th, 12th or 30th dilution. A combination of several means is acceptable: for example - Sabadilla 30 + euphrasia 30 every morning for 3-5 grains each, dissolve in the mouth 15-30 minutes before meals; arsenium iodate 200 - 2 times a week in the afternoon.

Preparations in the 6th or 12th dilutions can be applied up to 4-6 times a day. In hay fever, pre-seasonal prevention of exacerbation should be started 3-5 weeks before the expected onset of flowering of plants.

Of the constitutional funds, the most commonly used drugs are sodium (muriaticum, sulfuricum), nuks vomica, pulsatilla, silicea, sepia and others. Their selection should be carried out only by a homeopath physician at full-time admission.

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Based on materials: pannochka.net

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