Simple and effective means for rejuvenating the body from two components!

23 April 2017, 10:10 | Health
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Honey is the undisputed leader among elite food products, since it is this amazing edible substance that helps a person to feel cheerful, to be in a good mood and at the same time to do much, in fact only 100 g of honey provide 10% of the person's daily energy demand.

Nutrients of honey quickly release energy, which contributes to the recovery of the body after large physical, mental and neuropsychic loads, with diseases, as well as increases the efficiency and general tone of a person.

The chemical composition of honey contains unique biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals. In natural honey, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, copper, sulfur, lead and other macro- and microelements. Honey is considered a plant-animal product, the richest trace elements. It also contains some vitamins: B1, B2, pantothenic acid, PP - nicotinic acid, B6, folic acid, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, K, carotene.

Vitamin C, which is in the composition of honey in large quantities, is necessary for the prevention of infectious diseases. The lack of vitamin C in the body causes chronic fatigue, susceptibility to infections, can trigger bleeding of the nose, gums. Many people know that vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant. This property makes its vitamin extremely useful in all diseases.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) plays a very important role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, blood coagulation, tissue regeneration, participates in the synthesis of many hormones, normalizes the permeability of capillaries. It is not necessary to talk about the need for sufficient amounts of B vitamins in the diet. These substances, like vitamin C, are strong antioxidants. They prevent the accumulation of free radicals in the tissues (the perpetrators of degeneration and cell damage), increase the body's defenses, regulate blood formation and metabolic processes. Together with ascorbic acid, B vitamins play a leading role in preventing the appearance and growth of tumor cells. Important and this property of vitamins B, like the improvement of energy processes in the myocardium, the acceleration of regeneration when it is damaged. They are also necessary for the normal functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) ensures normal functioning of the nervous system. With its lack, we become irritable, quickly get tired, we have a weak memory, absentmindedness. Contained this vitamin in fresh carrots, turnip, in pork and beef liver, almonds, wheat germ and honey.

Vitamin B2 preserves the health of the skin, nails, hair. Helps heal various ulcers in the mouth, lips, tongue, improves metabolism. Vitamin B15 (pantothenic acid) stimulates immunity, increases the life span of cells, protects the body from environmentally harmful effects, accelerates recovery from fatigue and even stops aging processes.

Folic acid refers to the vitamins of group B. It is necessary for the normal process of hematopoiesis, during pregnancy, to a certain extent, performs a protective function with respect to exposure to harmful factors.

Vitamin E is also a strong antioxidant, participates in many important metabolic processes. Useful for hypovitaminosis, recovery after long-term illness, high physical exertion, old age, muscle and ligament disease.

Carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, known for its diverse properties. It plays an important role in oxidation-reduction processes, in maintaining the normal skin and epithelium of the mucous membranes, in sight, in the formation and growth of bones. Participates in the exchange of cholesterol, minerals. Many experts believe that carotene has an antitumor effect.

In honey contains and the most important for human vitamin PP. Few people know that this vitamin significantly affects the lipid metabolism, causing in appropriate doses a decrease in the content in the blood of atherogenic (causing the development of atherosclerosis) lipids. This important property allowed the use of honey containing significant doses of vitamin PP for the treatment of atherosclerosis and all diseases associated with atherosclerosis, such as hypertension, rehabilitation after heart attacks or strokes and t.

Also, vitamin PP causes a slight vasodilator action.

Honey is also characterized by antibacterial properties, which are provided primarily by the constituent potassium. Potassium dehydrates bacteria and dries them, so they quickly die in its presence.

Application of honey for rejuvenation Required: 1 h. Honey, 1 tbsp. Vegetable oil (better than olive, cold pressed).

Preparation. Mix components.

Application. Apply daily on an empty stomach for 1 hour. Within 1 month.

Healthinfo. Ua.


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