" The former first racket of the world, which had to reduce huge breasts, announced the end of her career

05 February 2025, 01:20 | tennis
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The famous Romanian tennis player Simon Halep ex-first racket of the world and two-time champion of the Big Slam tournaments, announced her departure after losing in the first round of the tournament in the Klizh-Napok. Halep lost to the Italian Lucia Bronzetti with a score of 1: 6, 1: 6.

In her farewell speech, she noted that she makes this decision with a heavy heart, but understands that her body no longer withstands the necessary loads necessary for the game at a high level. Halepus thanked the fans and emphasized that she was glad to say goodbye to them on the court, despite the result.

According to the 33-year-old Romanian, life continues after tennis, but at the moment it cannot compete at the same level. At the end of the speech, Romanian did not exclude a possible return, but so far he considers this match his last.

Simone Halep for a long time was one of the strongest tennis players in the world, won Roland Garros (2018) and Wimbledon (2019), as well as 24 WTA titles in a solitary category.

In 2022, she was disqualified for doping, and after returning in 2024 she spent only six matches, winning only one. In addition, she was worried about the injuries of the shoulder and knee.

Note that before making vivid success in sports, 25-year-old tennis players made a lot of noise among the fans with their appearance.

Having done at the age of 18 an operation to reduce the breast from sixth sizes to the second, the Romanian shocked her fans into shock.

" Her weight led to the fact that I could not respond as quickly as possible to changes on the court and act with lightning speed, ”Halep complained then.

The court revised the case and reduced the period of disqualification to nine months. After that, the Romanian tennis player returned to the court in March last year.

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