Ten Gag won't spoil Borussia Dortmund - Plettenberg

Today, 03:06 | Football
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The Dutch fahivets is “too expensive” for the German club.

Previously, ZMI had information about the fact that the great head coach of Manchester United, Erik ten Gag, could defeat Borussia Dortmund after Nuri Sahin was fired from the position of head coach.

However, as journalist Florian Plettenberg reports, the Dutch fahivets will not become the new Kermanic "

For information from Dzherel, Ten Gaga is requested to be “too expensive” for the representative of the German Bundesliga. Besides this, Erik is still on salary at Manchester United, from which he was released, seemingly from the past fate.

It is also stated that the leading candidate for the position of head coach of Borussia Dortmund is Niko Kovac, who has deprived Wolfsburg of the birth of 2024.

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