“How flawed this looks”. The State Duma made a statement about Trump and the Russian national football team, becoming a laughing

23 January 2025, 02:48 | Football
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State Duma Deputy Dmitry Svishchev admitted that Donald Trump, becoming US President, could help Russian football. According to him, Trump is able to lobby for the participation of the Russian team in the 2026 World Cup, which will be held in the USA.

However, the politician made a reservation that for this it is necessary to restore trust between the countries and successfully pass the qualifying tournament.

Svishchev expressed hope that international structures - such as FIFA and UEFA - will support the return of Russian football players to the world stage.

As an example, he cited the case of Wimbledon, when the organizers were punished for refusing to accept Russian and Belarusian tennis players.

The statement caused a storm of criticism online. Users ridiculed the idea that Russian MPs are hoping for intervention from a foreign leader. The comments were caustic:.

Users admit that they have the feeling that Russian officials themselves are discrediting their own power by relying on the kindness of the American president. Rhetoric about “sovereignty” pales in comparison to such statements, turning them into a farce.

Based on materials: invite.viber.com

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