In the zone of the DUS instructors of the National Guard demonstrated the detention of armed Putin's accomplices

25 September 2018, 07:33 | The Company
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On the territory of the operation of the United forces, classes were held with instructors to work out joint actions during the checkpoints for the personnel of the National Guard, the National Police and the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the United forces.

This is reported by the press service of NSU:.

"Досвідчені інструктори Національної гвардії України, які took part in the international Navians, podililis dosvіdom mіzhsrnannyh koleg, znachoimivsya Presents from the order of that specialty omission of a huge number of transport zasobiv through a stationary checkpoint. Demonstrated on the practical order of the people in charge of services at the civilian roadblock, after an hour of trespassing the Gromadyans, they are podozryuyutsya at prichettnosty up to illegal zbroynyh formuvaniy, z viluchennyam ostannnyh zbroї, "- the defendant of the commander of the Allied forces із feed the power and strength of the forces of the NSU, Major-General Oleg Garchu.

Інструктор від Національної гвардії розповів, що вони відпрацьоувуву перевірку транспорт засобу і затримання підозрюваних за небезпечного scenarios so called "chervonogo code" - if інінформація, що в транспортному засобі - озброєні злочинці. Tse sam ta situatsіya, koli, vіysskovsluzhbovtsyam allowed to zastosovuvati vognepalnu zbroyu zgіdno iz law - in vypadka, if it is direct zanroza їhnnomu zhittu ta zdor'ju. Behind scenarios, guards, thunderers, yakis for information from basics, pidozruvani yak participants of illegal zbroynyh shape.

The Commander of the General Forces, Lieutenant-General Sergiy Naev, with his process and accentuation for all the present siloviki, first and foremost, his robotics - everything is in full harmony with the legislation of Ukraine and vice versa..

Representatives of the National Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs have taken part in taking part in a special warehouse for a mobile post office since the hour of the transfer of a huge number of transport companies for informational and analytical databases of the National Information Agency of Ukraine.

Військовослужбовців Військовослужбовців Військової service of the law and order have been identified with the specialties of the conversion of the viscose services in the vaiyskovo technology, the repetition of the checkpoints in the region of the conducted operations of the joint forces, and such that they are transferred to the interstate.

Takі spilnyi zayattya permissive to the participants of the operation of the Joint Forces, the vice-president at the roadblocks, the nobility of the robotics of the colleges of the foreign offices, and of the secrecy of the defense, which may be key to the super-situation of the situation in the armed forces.

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