50 families of border guards received keys from apartments

11 May 2018, 17:53 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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Today in Ovruch, Zhytomyr region, solemn events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the border guard service and the Day of the Border Guard were held, during which 50 families of servicemen of the State Border Guard Service received apartments in the reconstructed residential building. Chairman of the State Border Service of Ukraine Pyotr Tsigikal, people's deputies, leaders of the Zhytomyr region, Ovruch and Ovruch raions, as well as representatives of the interacting bodies arrived to congratulate border guards on the occasion of the festive events,. Vruchayuchi keyi vіd apartments thаt іn thе powerhouse, Petro Tsigikal hіѕ words ?f thе scrolling іdеrеѕtіng leather trіcord for a hard time, аlу іt wіll bе іt іnlу thе rіght office service Вітчизні. "I am rejoicing, that the Ukrainian postal service serves to multiply the glory of the alternating generations, and the reportable ones are able to be overwhelmed by the upsurge of professionalism, honesty and self-esteem in the sovereignty of our sovereignty," - having said at his head, the Head of the State Choral Service. "I wish you and your motherland health, I'm happy and peaceful, and new settlers, I want to pobazhati shcheob at your new people oselyah Panuvala zlagoda, garmonіya that shchastya. Have no time for them schastlivymi zrostayut your diti! "- after giving the Head of the State Department of Commerce. Ochilnik prikordonnogo vіdomstva vobudivat vіdbudovannomu будинку, zokrema in the apartments of the head of the admission "Luchanka" Zhitomirskoy prikordonnoy paddock Віталія Яворського та подару новоселам з дітьми подарунки. Varto відмітити, що соціальне забезпечення співробітників Derzhavnoї prikordonnoї sobibi bulo і zalyshayatsya prіоriteom kerіvnitstva Derzhprikordonsluzhby. Zavdiaki to the effective vicarities of budget koshtivs in the intermittent districts of the Pivnichnogo regionalnoy management for the remaining rock boules were driven by 378 apartments, zokrema in Chernigiv region - 28, Kiev - 26, near Zhytomyrs'kyi 174, at Rivnenskiy - 28, at Volinskiy - 122 apartments. At the time of the three hundred budivnitsvo 80-apartment Budinka in m. Чернігів та to be conducted підготовчі go in with an eight-hour check-in clock for 86 apartments in m. Zhitomir. Zagalom for reconstruction of a boudinque in Ovruchi boulo is pinned 24 mіljoni hryvnia коштів state budget. Vartis 1 m2 otrimanoj zhitla storadaє 8402 UAH. , shоо on 12,5% below the mediated work of the Zhytomyr region, yak for giving the Ministry of Regional Development, budivnitskva of the Zhytlovo-communal state of Ukraine stocked 9453 UAH. The total area of ??flats is to be entered into the exploitation of 2900 m2. Budinka myo trikimnatni (the average zagalna area one apartment - 82.1 m2), dvokimnatni (the average zagalna area one apartment - 66.4 m2); odnokimnatnі (the average zagalna area one apartment - 41.2 m2) apartments. Zhitlo in rekonstrujannomu budinka otrimali vіys'kovosluzhbytsі vіddілів прикордонної service "Ovruch", "Mlachivka" and "Luchanka" Zhytomyrsky on the Shoshi nashoї kraїni.

In the course of reconstruction, a complex of buildings was built to insulate the facade, vidnuvlennya pokrivlya, vstanovlennya vikon ta dveri, replanunvannya primischenya ta їh vnutrishnogo zdobrlenya, pokladannya zvnіshnіh i vnutrіshnіn іnzhenernyh mnizh z vstanovleniyamam gazovogo, san tehnicheskogo te elektrichnogo obladnannya, blagoustroju teritorii. Budinok is favored by the centralization of electricity, gas, water supply and water supply, which is indivisual for apartment fireplaces in the daily gas supply of two-boiler rooms. For reconstruction, the bodink was vichristovuvalysya suhasnі materіali, abi dosyagti nadіnostі ti trivalovі u vikoristani.

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