Mi budetemo chrome, pray, ala

12 May 2017, 21:54 | The Company
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Згідно з інформацією, yaku podayut evangelisty, Іsus Christ naroddivsya bes Bifleіmі, місті Davidovomu. Ditinstvo і molodi roki провів у Назареті, у Галилеї. On the spade of his propoviduvannya perebuvav at Capernaum. For the three rockes of the public life in the face of the baggage of the plaques in the Palestinian outskirts of Palestine. Ale soup often buvav at Єrusalim - the central city of Izrail, there was one-one to the Holy Land holy.

Місто Єрусалим був значно більше ніж політичним чи адміністративним осередком. Tse Buv Reliance Center. The kozhna power is its capital and gromadyans in a special way to be placed in the capital city, one day sprinkling the Kremlin in the direction of the bishop's boulevard, the bishop, the bishop, the trembling (yogo mozhna zrozumiti tilki chitayuchi Bibliyu). Єrusalim for izrail'tyan buv mosk, de vony knew God in a unique way, tsepolo for them, at the opposite meaning of that word, holy misto.

Jesus Christ, akin to the incarnations of God's Sin and virgins blessed by his people, singing in particular the sprinkling of the Russian empire. At that time, Yogi died and resurrected. Alesche before Tsimi saved podiyami Іsus vkazuval on zaproliv znachennya Єrusalima. In the Gospels, we record the record of St. Luka (pores). 19, 41-44) and the Holy Mother (pores. 23, 37-39) is known as a parrot, yaki in Christ viklikav tilki glance at Єrusalim z Olivniye gory. Vyn crying over the city, yak zapeperchlo svoe osoblyve gratitude.

I guess about such a special sprinjattya Єrusalima sama Іsusom Christ, I vvazhaem nazchajchajno important in nashomu zhitti релігійність gromadyana. The call of our Savior to Russia can be safely zastosavati to dermal people, to skin gromadyana, a kind of talk with God.

Погляньмо на our рідну країну - Україна. Українців on zagal can describe yak pobozhny, relegnyny people. Mi budetemo hrami, praying, trying to vikonuwati God's will. Oddly, such a moment is instantly heard: Іsus gleefully weeping over the Russian salvation, shoduvav, scho tse svyte misto, yak little priinyati Yak yak Savior svitu, the critical hour ripened Yogo, vidyayuchi to death. Yakoyu nasravdі є our religibility?.

Author cich ryadkіv hymns, scho yak sered peresichnyh gromadyan, so itself і sred nosіїv vladi є pevne number vіryuchih people. Ala naskilki tі, to whom do you share the share of our people, truthfully, God-fearing people? Наскільки вірність релігійним переконанням контроє менське життя? Бо відбуваються події, які зроджують небезпідставні сумніви щодо ширості релігійних переконань.

Hotіv bi zauvazhiti, but I do not undertake to stand on trial: I do not know a lot, I do not know how to live in the souls of people,. Проте поведінка деядных представників влади змушує задуматися.

Shojno passed Velikodny saint. At bugatokh mistah mozhna boulo sposterigati a marvelous picture. Pід the hour of worship at the temples is unrequited, the actions of our people are possible in the subordination of the photographs and through the kvilka hvilin znikali, scho "vidvidati" and churches, prinalzny, mozhno, up to the rare confessions. On such famously for a long time zvertali respect, ali nichogo not zminilosya.

Shcho Vzhe talk about the shifting hour. Candidates for deputies on the river's peasants poryayayut actively zaevlyatisya at temples, zvichayno not with empty hands. Vdyachnі doshpastiri veleglasno їм дякують. Пересічні учасники богослужінь, які such добродіїв ніколи before the time did not bachili, takozh їм гаряче дякують і заявляють про політичну прихильність к них.

Spadaє dumku stock one and the same situation, yaka became on Lviv. From time to time, we begin the "mole" to the temple of the witch, from the anchors, the vivantages of the budivelin material. Father-the-Pars mentioned before Zolotoustoy at his own podyacі. On the other hand, the day of writing, if there was not a son, the machine itself and all the authors of the whole "gifts for God" were taken from the source material.

Такі події не повинні траплятися. Wants to compromise and vismyuyu vysokoposadovtsiv. Vіryuchі individuals, yakі zaimayut vіdpovіdalіі posadi, - bajduzhe, chi voni vibranі, chi vybrіcheni, - povinni dyje serіozno stavitisya to svoїh obovyazyvі and vvazhati vlasnі relіgіynі perekonanya spravzhnіm natnennnyam for vikonannya zavdan. For them, Christ himself is guilty of the bout himself. Jesus Christ.

Can not but sumyivu, scho yakbi nosії vladi shirim relgіynimim perekonannam have taken to their own robots, the process of overhauling our people, which rozpochavsya on Maidan, vbdbavavsya b nabagato shvidsche, yak doteper. And his own butt stinks b have become beautiful zaholchennyam for peresichnyh gromadyan.

Pissumuyu vishchevikladenі dumki kіlkom words. Майбутній розвиток нашої держави перебуває в прямій залежності він інтенсивності наши релігійних переконань.

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Based on materials: pravda.com.ua

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