About a psychotrauma and a Ukrainian poetry

22 April 2017, 21:09 | The Company
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Історія зі Скрипкою showed that it did not go far there, they deemed it, but everything grew. They were rattled nuts about the "mi" and "stinks".

Virishila vproshe rozpovisti about vlasniy dosvid Ukrainovnostnosti, ak zavzhdi zdavavsya meni obvious for all, ali syogodni I vpershem zasumnіvalas, spostterіgayuchi for the categorical baiting Violins. I thought, scho, it is possible, tell me about the topic. Мій post more for російськомовних моїх фїндів, які не мали подібного свержиття. Until then, for me, the great and the doses are not the experiences of the world, but also the part of it that is explained to Oleg, for Ikogo Ukrainians, to the word, to navigate, not to the rude, but to the vivacious, to get into that kind of unreflective repetition.

Otzhe більшість україномовних дітей мого покоління (especially to the center і сходу) at свій спосіб have survived a trauma of its own Ukrainian identity and know that it's in the part of the Ukrainian ieto in the russia's monstrous and cultural sea. I zakinchila rosіysku school (batko vvazhav, sho mene treba Russifikuvati, shob pidgotuvati to zhittya) ... І axis of the school of life bula nastilki zhoststokoyu, I report to the head of the wound i sintsi.

Україномовність у Києві - це це ти ти дитиною виходив за поріг своєї київської apartment to school iі відразу ж, відразу відчував крижаний залізобетонний опір середища. Naim'yakishy viyav tzogo podru - ti інтуїтивно знаєш, що починаючи з ліфта, скрізь - у магазині, у дворі, schoolsі, піонертаборі українська - нєкстаті, що це виклик, provokatsіya for ototchychih, nedorechna demonstration of the skeleton at the shafi, tupe nastoiuvannya on Цьому скелеті.

Tse kolie in the trolleybus mom talk to you, p'yatirіchnoї, українською, а чоловік in стоптащих сандалях з сусіднього місця каже: "he rep'yah before the battles piled. D. How much did you come here, Ragool ". Tse koli ti nazivashe svoє іm'ya, but you pityyat "And what for the name? Schiri Ukrainzi tipa, yes?". "If Miroslava wants to go to Shevchenko at the Faculty, but I would have shot all at once there, it's a hotbed of nationalism". And your classmate, rozpovidayuchi about a trip to the sea cruise, say: "With us on the ship were diplomats, I'm curious that they spoke Ukrainian. Not all Ukrainians are goons, mostly, but not all ". If you want to join a university, spend a few days in the middle of the world (hocha b partnoko, maesh yakus pidtrimku) i tvіy susіd Volodka, until ya takogoryuєє інгінськоюю feed: "Мира, а ты можеш не вы. Happen? You seem to be a normal person ". Tse kolibi chotrinadtsyat and mum wiklikayut on rozmovu KGB for the program "Maroussia Churay", and the grandmother of the maiden navyshchos nasosovuє mamі nіchnu shirts at the bag on vipadok arr.. If the headmistress of the school Zoya Sergiiivna, waving her mother to the school for a wholly innocent beshketi, as if casually to the farewell: "The class teacher informed us that you have homosexuals and previously tried comrades in your house, so I do not know what her There under the clean form "(yak I rozumiyu, tse about Paradzhanov). In a word, it is totally subliminal. Vdoma - to actor's wife writing in the middle of the world, kolyadki, samvidav, in schools - ti rosіyskomovna kiyivska dyovochka, htos іnshi, vdavany, not ti. І so ten tenis. Do you think that everything is absurd, idiotic and not sick? Is not it a trauma? Chi ce perezhit і загоєне в мені? Wie write post about those, yak strongly imaging you Violin his vipadom? Until the day, after hours of flash mob # I did not think about it again, I thought about those, all the sexy housewives, the daughters of the grown-up choloviks, the rituals in the penitentiary, I do not want to navigate, I do not want to boo many times. For me, everyone has overcramnaged the trauma.

I і tens of my yniyomiyh ukraynomovnih pam'yataemo kozhnu detail, kozhnu pіkolku, rudeness, kozhen our bіy і kozhnu pozraku on tsikh neskinchennih barikadah. Vee not re-evaluate, I even bachu Ukrainominnyh people before Tim, yak stink vidkryut company. Mi nachilis bachiti i rozpiznavati one only without sliiv, in the eyes. So little of us zavzhdi boulo. This is the way we render our ukrainian svit.

Before the aggression in ditinstvі ti impotence, nevyshcheny, kryhky i tobibi maneuvers are given, beg your mother not to say Ukrainian at divchats, bout dovchata kazyut, scho ze zhlobtelstvo i iim'ya your tezh sylske. Mama u vidpіdіd, laying wіth you in the bedroom crying in the dark and іt so yak? Yak meneі my ditin mozhe takke kazati? Gentlemen, for scho mmeni takke? "І ti vіdchuvaєsh, scho tvіy svіt rozpinaєtsya in tsyomu morotsі, vіdchuєєш, що єдина Втіха - те, що цілу ніч ти не бачитимеш цього світу, schools, classmates, maminih slіz, цієї всієї виснажливої ??battles, де ти наперед - the victim і де тобі не хочуься жити.

Yasna rіch, scho ці ourі traumіsі and nevrozimi all seemed to survive, vidrefleksuvali, vitіsnili, I do not have nіyakih іsterik, nіyakogo іdіotskogo kishannya penny in the guise of rosіyskomovnіy kasirtsі. I do not like strong conversions, categorical, patriotic pathos, the middle of my face-to-face friends, more than the yakraz of the Russian people. Але мені хочеться, щоб мої російськомовні співвітчизники, сьогоднішні коментатори вчинку Skripki axis tsi moi traumi і цей мій біль відчували, усвідомлювали, shob vony at its own sites, rіshennyah, sudzhennyh took їх to respect by default.

Pislya stolіit імперського катка варіант "а тепер let's peregornemo stіrіnku і z tsіogo mаtom hay bude world, friendship, рівні можливості і політкоректність, and хто not погоджується з цим, топоротий і національно озабочєний" - не працює. Tse moderately without progovorennya, rozuminnya and usvidomlennya you of the fact that we have experienced in a few generations. Tomu, dear people, friends, friends, bloggers, loved ones. Before Tim, yak judge Oleg Skripka - vidchuyte be affection and ours, infiltrate him so, shhob mie tse vidchuli. І тоді нас усіх let it go.

The violin of the ROSPINA for yogo sight. Menі зрозумілі cause of one's sight. Oleg is one of them, hto himself being classified and becoming one of a few people, they have traveled to Ukraine culturally to see. Він бився і б'ється з цим support of showbiz, mediynogo mezhdovischa довгі десятиіття. І tec most visnazhlivo, especially the number of clades on tsezhittya. For Skripka rosіyskomnovnist - gіrka realnіst postcolonialism, portal російської культури і, yak bi us did not want to be cognizant, part-time, glue for the Russian world and the Russian statehood.

I will have a good time with him at the same time, our National Revolutionary postpolo, ours with you with spindle gears, our porozuminnyam will be replaced by us, we will be given a "crack smeared with dense pathos" and in our day, all - and rosiyskomnovi, and Ukrainian - to become one Great ґetto in the rossijskom svіtі.

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