Krov pachinaє spilled out there, de movivel bilshist nadto be reconciled to prinizhennyam, write Sergiy Zhadan on TSN.
In the winter of 2001, with friends, the organizuvati were invaded in Kharkiv protest actions. "Ukraine without Kuchma". Trimali zv'yazok іz kolegami in Kiev Lviv, spikulvalisya with the Allies on the world. Allies of the Buli rizni nespodіvanі, акцію one-time підтримували і комністи, і націоналстисти. Zreshtoyu, spіlny voyage об'єднує. Далі кожен керується своїми інтересами. Our interestingness of the bouves is obvious and that, podozryuyu, not nadto reconnect - mi hoti zhiti u vylnіy kraїnі, in the territory without dictatorship. Інша річ - кожен по-своєму відчуває міру диктатури, в кожного свій поріг permissible grip on the side of Vlad.
Todi, 16 rockies to that, Bagato hto sprimav Kuchmi regime, yak shosos tsilkom normalny n pripumaem. Demand freedom - a special person, vibrokova. Meninu neemozhlivo perekonati, scho й i brakuє liberty. Here kozhen miє virishuvati for himself - chi vlashtovuyut yogo obtstani m'akoy diktaturi, chi all the same varto vyitsya vulitcju. One word, the acce of the bula is not numerous, but the bias did not receive. Zreshshoy, on bilshisti mi osoblivo do not rozrahovuvali. Obirajuchi mіzh мовчазною більшістю th active menshistyu, mi vіdchaydushno put on menshist. The result was not given. Ponad te - reaction dekogo druziv todi vidverto zdivuvala th rozcharuvala.
Pam'yatayu, yak vperedchalis iz one friend of the designer, dovolly progressive visions are young cholovnikom, which is cynicalized by a suicidal literature that is unaffected by music. "Kuchma gave you a tse," he said, "there is no more rule of thumb". All is not so rotten. I garyachkuvav, zareperchuvav, saying, scho tse priznilivo - zadovalrovnitsys situatsieyu, if all is not so rotten, if obnasteni not naygirshi. Speaking about the need for freedom - vnutrishnnya ta saspilnoy, about neobhіdnіst protestivati ??against unjust. Він not залечучував. Alye was not affected by weather conditions. Yomu boulo all one. Як і більшості співгромадян. Не найгірші обставини. Не найгірше правління. Mozhe Buty so. Three rock became the Maydan. Through trinadtsyat rockyv pochalasya vinyona. I do not pull on the time, I just chronology.
All the way I live, I'm spilling out the duma of the categories of the Ukrainians - Pershy vimagayut zmіn i vvazhayut for neobhіdne озвучувати своїмогоги, другі їх за це засуджують. Arguments of the simplest simple dovolі obvious - відсутість freedom prіnizhuє, vіsutnіst rights і unacceptable, lіdinі pritamanno borotis' for the rights of that freedom, lyudina, the great world, for цього й стструк. Natomist arguments of other tez not nito reznyatsya vigadlivistyu - krasche zadovolnyatis tim, scho maeesh, more tishitis to, scho є, freedom - ponimatya vnutrshnye, vno not to lie in the direction of the dictator's dictator.
I feel the goal of the 80's, of democratic democrats in the hourly Kharkiv. At the beacon of the revolution, declarations about the need for security and non-admission of quiet detachments, were folded, skeptics knew how to wreak havoc on the chimois of sushilno-korisnim and not kalamuti water, take to robot do not fool the head. Movlyav, at least so well. Movlyav, the smut-abi did not become more vigorous, the revolution-lishu ruinuvannya th chaos. Sensitive of 2001, 2004, I feel three rockies.
By the hour of skepticism and criticism, Mayut bil'sh nizh vagomiy argument - vino, nyak not come to the end. Mowlave, bachite, before what is your revolution? Brashche vzhe stabilny regime, nizh mozhnivist vlyno protustivati ??proti nestablilnosti. I do not know, it's possible, for kogos spravdі krasche. Stable mode. M'yaka dictatorship. Ніжні обійми фюрера.
ALE Axis divischsya on those who met in Minsku, th rozumієsh - skilki b not boolo skepticiv, some mudrimi y zverhnіmi stony syogodnі not vidavalisya b, skilki vony not gmikali b on the pathetic revolutionary declaration, people will give vyhoditi vulitci, people will give Відстоювати такі ефемерні речі, як права та свободи. Just the same, I repeat, but not vidstoyuvaty їх - приняливо. And pouauvatis priznolivo prepared not far from all. Hocha хтось, поза сумнівом, готовий. Dekomu tse navyіt sobayetsya. Hocha v tscomu nihto d not acknowledge.
"Vee, mabut, tezh pіdtrimuєte protests in Мінську? - pityє mene znayoma. - You, mabut, little blood in Ukraine? "Men's not a little blood. Мені забагато крові.
Simply, I perekonon, scho shelter pochinae spilled out there, de beavshits bolshist nadto dovgo put up with prinizhennyam. Navvit kolon vona, moviecna bilshist, spilled the shelter, do not want it. Simply in Neji, Moving Biloche, Recognize niho ni pro scho not feed.
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