With eyeliner and lipstick: Dwayne "

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Movie star Dwayne " The girls gave dad an amazing makeover.

“The Rock” admitted that he was in shock, but for the sake of his daughters’ childhood he was ready to sacrifice himself. The actor posted a video of his transformation on Instagram..

\? “, and I replied: “Yes, but only quickly and coolly, because I need to go to the gym,” admitted Dwayne Johnson.

He explained that his children may not interact with him as closely in the future, but such moments of fun with their dad can warm the soul. According to The Rock, he is "


In the video, which the actor published on social networks, he sits unbreakable while the children perform magic.. The girls drew arrows on “The Rock”, applied eye shadow and lipstick, covered his smooth head with stickers and painted his cheeks, but instead of blush they took lipstick. They used jewelry to create an imaginary necklace, also drawn with lipstick..

Based on materials: instagram.com

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