It's in the bag: Donald Trump couldn't kiss Melania at the inauguration

21 January 2025, 21:58 | mode
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The inauguration of Donald Trump, which took place at the Capitol on January 20, was not without incidents. A few minutes before the swearing in, the 47th President of the United States tried to kiss his wife Melania, but was prevented from doing so by her wide-brimmed hat from the Eric Javits brand, writes Sky News.

He couldn't reach his wife's cheek and the couple blew kisses instead..

During the last inauguration in 2017, comical situations also happened. For example, Donald Trump seemed to forget about his wife as he hurried up the steps of the White House to greet his predecessor, President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. Mrs. Trump was subsequently left to walk alone.

Later that day, Melania was pictured frowning. She smiled when he turned to her, but as soon as he turned away, her face became stern again.

The couple's relationship came under further scrutiny in May that year during a visit to Tel Aviv, Israel, when Mrs Trump pushed the president's hand away after he tried to take hers in his on the red carpet.

Focus previously wrote that Melania Trump told how often she and her son Barron will be in the White House.

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