Kamaliya was intrigued by the details of her divorce from her billionaire husband: “The stamp doesn’t mean anything”

19 January 2025, 20:12 | gossip
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Ukrainian singer Kamalia intrigued with controversial statements about her ex-husband, billionaire Mohammad Zahoor. The couple has not been together for about two years. However, the star has not yet stopped communicating with her ex-chosen one and constantly appears in his company. Moreover, their 10-year-old daughters Arabella and Mirabella still do not know that their parents are not together. According to Kamaliya, she and her ex are doing everything so that the girls don’t suspect anything and are happy. Therefore, the star explains to the twins that all information about their parents on the Internet is a “PR stunt.”. However, they know about mom’s misunderstanding with her daughter Zahur from a Russian woman. " So this is just a PR stunt. They study at an acting school, follow their favorite stars and know what PR is and how to attract attention.. They see that Zahoor and I have a normal, kind, friendly, cool relationship. We support each other, we all go on vacation together. We do everything to prevent them from noticing that there is something wrong between their parents.. Although they, of course, know about the quarrel with Tanya, Zahur’s daughter,” the performer shared in an interview with “Briefly about”.

In addition, Kamaliya assures that she has no plans to sever ties with Mohammad in the future, and calls the disappearance of the stamp in her passport “conventions.”. She emphasized that a 20-year marriage still does not break up so quickly, and they continue to build a wonderful life together, including as parents for girls. " But we know for sure that we cannot live without each other.. Over the years we have become very attached to each other, we are family.

And no matter how life turns out, we will always support each other. Our relationship is more than just marriage. Therefore, the stamp in the passport means nothing. There are many couples who do not live in an official marriage and at the same time live beautifully and raise children. Because these are all conventions,” Kamaliya intrigued. Let us remind you that Kamaliya recently responded to the scandal with presenter Vyacheslav Solomko, who called her “mediocre”.

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