What holiday is celebrated on January 18: calendar of events

18 January 2025, 06:07 | gossip
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On Saturday, January 18, we celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Saints Athanasius and Cyril, Archbishops of Alexandria. Two outstanding church figures left a significant mark on the history of Christianity.

Their life and work are an example of unshakable faith, wisdom and devotion to the Church. Saint Athanasius, born into a family of pious Christians, Athanasius showed deep faith from childhood. His spiritual talents were noticed by Patriarch Alexander himself, who predicted a great future for the young man.

Having become Patriarch of Alexandria, Athanasius defended the purity of the Orthodox faith, fighting heresies, including Arianism. Despite numerous persecutions and expulsions, he remained faithful to his ideals and served the Church until the end of his life..

Saint Cyril, student and successor of Athanasius, continued his work.

He also played a prominent role in the fight against heresies, particularly Nestorianism. Cyril headed the Third Ecumenical Council, at which the teachings of Nestorius were condemned and the laws of Holy Scripture were confirmed.

Both saints left behind a rich spiritual heritage: works, sermons, letters. Their teachings are still relevant today and serve as a source of inspiration for Christians around the world.. Afanasy and Kirill are symbols of the indestructibility of faith, courage and devotion to ideals.

Based on materials: invite.viber.com

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