Liliya Rebrik responded to reproaches that she gave birth to a third child in order to protect her husband from mobilization

13 January 2025, 18:57 | gossip
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Ukrainian presenter and actress Lilia Rebrik responded to reproaches that she gave birth to a third child in order to protect her husband Andrei Diky from mobilization. The celebrity admits that she has a mostly positive audience that does not resort to criticism. However, negative comments from the presenter still arrive from time to time.. In particular, some related to the birth of Rebrik’s third daughter. Critics said that in this way she was saving her husband Dikiy from mobilization. Liliya Rebrik herself does not react to such comments at all.. " React to comments and not only such ones - I’m already immune. I generally have a very good audience! I adore my audience, I think they love me back. If the person who wrote this or that negative comment feels better, then I have completed my mission,” commented Liliya Rebrik on the project “Wound at the Great Place”.

The presenter also shared that the birth of her third daughter greatly changed their family and her personally.. The celebrity says that children are a great joy. According to the presenter, she has even more vitality. \! This is such an opportunity to enjoy, no matter what and despite all the circumstances, that it gives you even more strength. “I never thought I had so much strength,” the celebrity shared. Let us remind you that Lilia Rebrik recently visited her parents in Chernivtsi. The celebrity showed how she spent the New Year holidays with her family.

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