The most scandalous participant in “The Bachelor,” Iskornev, hinted at the birth of his first child

22 January 2025, 00:39 | Artistic and Culture
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Andrey Iskornev, who was the main character of the third season of the Ukrainian version of the show “The Bachelor,” hinted at the birth of his first child. .

Let us recall that Iskornev became the most scandalous participant in “The Bachelor”. In the finale of the show, he chose Anya Kozyr, but was unable to build a relationship with her. Then it turned out that another finalist, Yana Stanishevskaya, was pregnant with Andrei’s child, but lost the child. Later he began dating Irina Skorikova, who dropped out of the project long before the finale.

According to rumors on the Internet, Iskornev is now in a relationship with his high school sweetheart, but nothing is known about the surgeon’s chosen one.

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