The RF Embassy is not satisfied with the answer of Focus for insulting Putin

14 September 2017, 11:20 | Russia
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The RF Embassy is not satisfied with the answer of the editor-in-chief of the German magazine Focus Robert Schneider in connection with insults to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was reported by the press attache of the Russian embassy Denis Mikerin, they write "Izvestia".

As noted by Mikerin, Schneider actually repeated the previously said response of Alice Wagner's press secretary and did not justify the embassy's expectations for a "normal" comment. The representative of the diplomatic department thanked Schneider for his prompt response and expressed his hope for a more constructive dialogue.

Mikerin shortly before in his Facebook wrote that the embassy is waiting for an apology from the editorial Focus for an insulting statement made by publishing to Putin.

As it became known, in the last issue of the magazine the Russian leader was used the ambiguous expression harter hund, which in Russian means "hard nut" or "dog".

The press secretary of the publication after the publication explained the use of this expression by an incorrect translation and "the inability to adequately convey the meaning of the phrase into Russian".

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov commented on the incident. He said that such expressions cast a shadow on the media itself and are unacceptable to the head of state.

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