Court vidusti z-pіd warti ex-measure Slov'yansk Stap

21 September 2017, 01:18 | Policy
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Lensky District Court of Kharkov in the middle of zeminiv zabіnny zahіd екс-measure Slov'yanskaya Nelі Shtepi, accused of separatism, from Utriman pіd vartoyu on tsilodobovyy home stay to the nosіnnyam ehlektronnogo zasolu control. About the subject of Interfax-Ukraine with regards to the press service of the Prosecutor's Office of Kharkiv region.

"The Prosecutor's Office of the Komentivi can not put the prosecutor's office on trial, but before that, the resolution of the part of the settlement has been voiced," they said in the press services. At the same time, in the press-services, they were informed that the prosecutor's office was jostling for forgiving arrests, the incidents of the Crimi- nal procedural code of Ukraine are not vain, but the most visible of the zabojnogo call for pidozryuvanyh at st. 110 (пояганя на територіальну цілісність і and the lack of order of power) Кримінального кодексу України. In addition, the dumku proekualnyh kerivnikiv in tsyomu kriminalnom provadzhennі, riziki, podbacheni KPK, aktualizuyutsya zv'yazku zі zmіnoyu zabybnogo zahodu. One Zi svіdkіv in spravі Shtepa Іrma Krat viklala on svoїy storіntsі in sotsmerezhі Facebook vіdeo, yak stink once Zi Shtepa in suprovodі її advokatіv zalishayut budіvlyu court. On the video of Shtepa shout "Glory of Ukraine!" І додає: "На честь звільнення співаємо гімн України!". Yak having described the lawyer Shtepi Dmytro Marchenko, yogi pidzakhsna vzhe їde to Slov'yanska, de, for the court, is guilty of perebuvati postyno for the life of the residence. "Nelya Ігорівна dzhede dodomu, in Slov'yansk," - having said Marchenko. At the same time, vin vidmovivsya vidpovidati to clarify the pittance, in that number, a kind of transport skorostalasya yogo pidzahisna i chi siprovuzhu її polіція. Marchenko takozh pobidomiv, scho nastupne zasidannya court is recognized on the fourth, 21 veresnya. "Засідання призначені дуже щільно, практично щодня, але це не по'їязане з сьогоднішнім рішенням about забіжний захід. Graph of Buv Uzgodeniyah Nabagato Rishe. All one їздити зі Слов'янська краще, ніж під конвоєм з харківського СІЗО ", - having said Marchenko. Yak pogidomlyalosya, Nelya Stupa bula zareshshtovana 13 lipnya 2014 rock. Їй інкримінують ч. 3 items. 110 (посягання на територіальну цілісність і недоторканність України, які спричинили забибель людей) і ч. 1 st.

258-3 (line of terrorist organizations and organi zations) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. She explained on the court that she had called on the President of the Russian Federation, Vladmir Putin, to go to Slov'yansk with the threats of terrorism, but in full at the terrorists' attacks, while the interview for the Russian visions was crumbled "with the barrel of an assault rifle". Їй загрожує довічний термін.

Original article: The court vizputiv z-pіd varti екс-measure Slov'yansk Stap.

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