Salaries of officials in Ukraine have increased sharply: receive 100 thousand. hryvnias have become much more frequent

Today, 18:57 | Markets
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The average salary of Ukrainian civil servants in December was almost 18 thousand hryvnia compared to the previous month and is now almost four times higher than the average payments offered by employers to Ukrainians. And for 100 thousand hryvnia, average salaries went beyond 10 government institutions at once.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the average salary of central government employees is 79.8 thousand. UAH. At the same time, large personnel portals offer Ukrainians significantly lower salaries, namely 20.9-21.1 thousand. UAH in December.

In recent months, the number of government institutions in Ukraine has been growing, paying an average of more than 100 thousand. UAH. And they get the most from the following:.

Salaries increased most noticeably in the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience - by 2-2.75 times. At the same time, some government institutions began to pay even less, in particular in the committee for the Boris Paton National Prize of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy, the Central Election Commission and even the Antimonopoly Committee, which, despite this, has remained in the top for average salaries for a month now.

Of course, real salaries depend on the position held, but the increase in salaries was felt most by representatives of the management team and heads of structural divisions. In December they received 30–40 thousand. UAH more than in November. At the same time, the salaries of ordinary workers and service workers increased by only 1.6-6 thousand. UAH.

It should be noted that salaries of officials in Ukraine are calculated taking into account a number of factors. Main components of income:.

And it is New Year’s and annual bonuses that can explain the significant increase in salaries of Ukrainian officials. However, while large payments to heads of government agencies indicate the priority of these bodies in the public administration system. Although the public and experts have repeatedly raised the question of the appropriateness of such high salaries, given the financial situation in the country.

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