Ukrainian exports to Germany is growing and significantly ahead of the Russian

12 February 2025, 12:07 | Economy
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Ukraine is becoming more and more valuable in the bilateral trade of Germany and is attractive for investment. This was told to reporters by the head of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy Catherine Klaas-Mulkhoizer, writes Ukrinform.

So, German exports to Ukraine increased by 1.2 billion to 8.2 billion euros last year (+17%). Ukrainian exports to Germany grew by almost 20% and became the second in growth rates in the region.


Half (46%) companies interviewed by the Eastern Committee and the audit company KPMG plan to invest in Ukraine in the next 12 months. Ukraine is the third after Poland and Romania the most important target country in the region for German investors in the short and medium term. While every fifth of the companies surveyed (21%) has already invested in Ukraine, 18% want to invest in the event of a peace agreement.

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The country has the potential to become a new energy center for the European Union, to be an alternative production place and play an important role in IT and outsourcing for European companies.

In relation to Russia, its bilateral trade with Germany fell by another 25% to 9.4 billion euros: German exports in the Russian Federation fell by 1.3 billion to 7.6 billion euros (-15%), imports from Russia collapsed by 50%. Among Germany trading partners, Russia takes only 45th place.

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