United24 Zibrav Nadn Millar Dularyv on Piditrimka Ukrainian

12 February 2025, 10:21 | Economy
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For the moment of the vault of the Rosyan in Ukrainian Fandraizingov, the United24 Platform was healed by good -iliona.. Tse has become able to do the tops of the nonsense to the people of the ear, the yaki Ophali Zuill dumb, the pre -nuisan people to the Ukrainian people.

Yak Doldomlya United24, Zibrai Koshty hidden on the nyvazhlivіshi consumer of the Krainina - vіd vіsyskovo pidrimki to the Humanitarian Duphumes. " Kozhe Donat, incompetent vid Yogo Rosemir, MAH ObLight, ” - to be in the platforms.

One iz Keyvikhovhovh Fіnannuvannya became the Piditrima of the Open -Mature of Ukraine. Droni for ZSU, the oral -up for sapphop, is critically unkind to the technology, the dopomaga vene of the Ukrainian vikonuvati Boyovi Zavdannya is clogged.

Not Mensh important to get dried up from the sphere of medicine. Prudyni Prodski allowed the prodbati to Surelna Medichena Prudnann, and such an organizuvati was the Evakuyazi, the same arcked the civilians of the zone of the Boyfish zone.

Krim of that, the part of the Koshtiv part is hidden on Vidbudov iznfrastructure. Govdyaki Pidrimtsya Donorl in the Ukrainian Oblastsitty Ugritty at schools, vіdnovyuyu Lіkarnі, Obvytniy Tu Zhitlovi Budinki, Sh. Buli Zruinovani PID Hour of Boy.

United24 to heal the resources that partners for Vidbudov Ukraine. Organizator to jam the all -baids to the iziitsyativ, Aje Kozhekok - CROC CROCE TO MOLED OF THE MORRIENT LIVITTI.

E-News. Com. UA.

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