It became clear that the price went up and cheaper in the Kharkiv region: the dynamics of consumer prices

17 July 2018, 21:32 | Economy
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Індекс споживчих цін по Харківській області в червні 2018 року becoming 100.4%.

Sered has served, povyazyannyh z utrimannyam zhitla, pidvischilisya tariffs for utriannya budinkyv that pribudinkovyh teritorii on 18,1%. If the price for cold water is 0.6% or 0.9%, the gas for sputtering consumes 9.4%. Vodnochas, rіvenь tsіn (tariffs) for electricity, natural gas, kam'yane vugylly, singing and burning water are lapped without zmіn.

At the foodstuffs market, the oblasts in the Chervnyi zrosli cini on the products of the kharchuvannya and non-alcoholic beverages by 0.3%. Has risen in price vegetable production, and sama kartoplya, tsibulya, buryak and morkva - on 12,8-70,1%. Takozh sposternogalosya podorozhchannya advancing productів харчування:.

пластівців вівсяних, a borch of wheaten, macaroni vibrof, пшона, спецій, солі - on 1,5-9,3%;.

drinking water, drinking non-alcoholic - by 3.2-4.6%;.

kavi that tea, frost - 1.5-2.8%;.

oil top, sour cream, non-fat, ta pіdvischenim vmistom fat, олії соняшникової, sour-milk products - by 1,8-2,1%.

At the same time, the exchanges were changed to the so-called kharchuvannya:.

pomodori, zucchini, ogirki - by 22.3-56.5%;.

eggs - by 12.1%;.

salads, bananas, attendants - by 11.2-12.2%;.

mushrooms canned, dried fruits, grapes - 1,0-5,1%;.

mayonnaise, sire hardened type Emmental, sirki ta sirkovu masu, siri melted - by 1,2-8,5%;.

fried chicken, subproducts of chicken, subproducts of yalovichi, birds (carcasses of chicken), sausages, small sausages of the first catfish, yalovicin, minced meat, smoked meat, cooked meat, 5%;.

chocolate, wafer, oven dry, caramel, zucor - by 1,8-3,2%.

Prices for tyutyunovi virobi increased by 1.8%, for alcoholic drinks - by 1.1%.

The average of non-food goods was spoiled by the cheapness of the baggage baggage, and the money: for a child, for choloviks that woman - by 2.8%;

vzuttya for children, cholovіків та жінок - on 3,7%.

Disperse gasoline was sprinkled for car dies and diesel fuel - by 1.2% and 2.3%.

Збільшилися ціни на транспортні послуги, а саме: перевезення літаком та проїзд у міжміському поїзді - on 6,0% that 14,9% відповідно. Takozh sposterіgalosya zbіlshennya tsіn on the services of notaries, the services of the likaren, the scopes of insurance in the sphere of special transportation, the cost of doshkіlnu - by 3.4-8.3%.

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