It became known what was equipped with a Chinese air spy ball, shot down in the sky over the United States

12 February 2025, 17:47 | Finance and Banking
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The Chinese Spy Ball, flying over the United States in 2023, was equipped with American technologies. It is reported by Newsweek with reference to sources familiar with the technical analysis of the contents of the downed ball.

Analysis of details was carried out by the National Air and Space Intelligence Center in Ohio, and has 75 pages.

According to the publication, the specialists found that the balloon was equipped with American -made satellite communications and complex sensors of at least five different American companies that allowed photographs and collecting confidential information, as well as at least one Swiss company.

Among them, for example, the module of short pulsed messages called Iridium 9602, created by a global satellite -bond supplier based in Maklina, Virginia. This module can be bought online for less than $ 150, and it is not prohibited from export. Chinese equipment could not ensure full coating of satellite connection in the United States. Also, according to sources, the details of the American companies Texas Instruments, Omega Engineering, Amphenol All Sensors Corporation and ONSEMI were identified in the balloon.

In addition, the technical filling of the balloon included inexpensive foam thermobox, which can be bought at any gas station for storing products in the road. A sealed light box contained hard disks for storing information.

There were also empty compartments in the balloon. It is assumed that they were intended for glider that could be launched to collect more detailed data.

In April 2023, American officials confirmed that the Chinese balloon-spy in real time could collect intelligence from several secret American military facilities.

Recall that some experts believe that a balloon is something better than a spy satellite. The stratostat is available information that simply "

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