In Avdeevka the Ukrainian military tortured and killed a civilian

23 April 2017, 20:39 | Incidents
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In Avdeevka scandal erupts because of the murder of a 43-year-old local resident. Police suspect the commission of a crime soldier of the Security Service. Witnesses of the incident were servicemen of one of the units, who is serving in the city.

This is stated in the message of the press service of the State Administration of the National Police of Donetsk region.

The military said that the SBU officer came to their location, where they drank together and he offered to search for criminals who are engaged in the sale of drugs. In their field of vision on the street caught a man who was returning home.

The suspect in the murder seated the man in the car and took him to the forest belt, where he brutally tortured him. The detained resident of Avdeevka could not say anything about the unfair accusations that only further embittered the military man who continued to beat him. According to eyewitnesses, when he and the military were leaving the place of torture, the man was still giving signs of life, but he was left to die.

The police are assured that they collected all evidence of the suspect's guilt and detained him. The court appointed him a measure of restraint in the form of detention in custody with an alternative to making a pledge of 308800 UAH. He took the opportunity and went free. At the same time, the investigators had suspicions that the witnesses were being pressured by the suspect and at the same time the information was misleading.

Smut Upravlіnnya Natsіonalnoї polіtsії in Donetskіy oblastі Vіyskovosluzhbovtsі, SSMSC steel svіdkami zhorstokogo vbivstva resident Avdіїvki, rozpovsyudzhuyut іnformatsіyu untruthfulness, Abi vigoroditi pіdozryuvanogo Tіlo 43 rіchnogo cholovіka bulo viyavleno 10 Bereznev tsogo rock 12 km od rіdnogo Mista in lіsosmuzі area Yasinuvatskogo. It was installed, but the yogo boule was rolled to death, the little ditin that mother of the stolen viska. For pidozroyu vchinenni zhorostokogo zlachinu, zgіdno z rіshennyam to court, зааштований військовослужбовець Service of bezpeki Ukraini. The head prosecutor's office of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine hanged the admirer of the dignitaries of the Donechchin settlement for resolving the resonant evil.

Наразі у деяких ЗМІ з'явилася неправдива інформація about those, пo покази свідків отримані в результаті застосування недозволених заходів. Поліція Донеччини розцінює дезінформацію як тиск на слідство та пробу підозрюваного уникнути кримінальної відповідальності.

Pravo-chorontzami bulo ponynistu vstavleno picture evil, that zibrano bezareperchnyi provozitnosti pidozryuvannogo up umisnoe vbivstva z esblyvoyu zhorstostіstyu.

"Checking for a squad with ditinoy" The head of the department of carnery in the Donetsk region Artem Kysko rozpov, sho 4 birch in 2017 in Avdiyivske vіddіlennya polіtsії zvernulasya resident of the city about those in the evening,. At the mobile phone, it does not connect.

The zhinka of the bula vkrai is hastily, the sooner the Vipadkiv, the shoobyi syn not having inhabited the house,. Cholovik pratsyuvav on odnіy z firrm, mav druzhinu ta 11-rіchnogo sina. If they were active in the outskirts of the city by the fighters, they could recognize their homeland in another place. І the very day of the day stinks Mali turn to dodom.

Polizeysky rozpochali poshuki znikogo the same day. Cholovik was characterized positively, і вони розуміли, пo з him could be trapishis біда.

Pіd hour першочергових дій було встановлено, що після робочого дня він at once with когами пішов у кафе. The members of the settlement, surviving through the experience, but through the day, the Avdiivki did not get a hold of the squad for the ditin, the zustrich was moved to the onset of the day. Він all the evening telephoning the druzhinі tuzhe chekav on neї.

Politsyiski vstanovili that capitalized all the people who at any time were pestered by the cafe. The stinkers have fallen ill, scho cholovik viv himself adequately. Після цього йоьго більше ніхто not бачив, слід обірвався.

Pustalishi podalshu share mezhkantsya Avdiivki could not reach 10 birch. On that day on the territory of the Yasinuvatsky district, in the light of the visible signs of the violent deaths of the invaders, the corpse of choloviks.

On the throat of a dead marine shipyard, after a number of ushkodzhennya - the victim was rolled up to death. The person was inserted into the map, the tragedy was recorded.

"Everyone threw a dead man to death" In the course of the slidocho-operational visits, the boulevard established prichestvennost vbivstva vyskovskogo sluzhbovtsya SBU, which zdіysnuvav its diyalnіst on teritorії Avdiyavki.

- Nami takozh buli vstanovlenni svidki vbvstva - vіys'kovosluzhbotsi one z pіdrozdіlіv, yakі dislokuyutsya in Avdіївці. The stinkers explained that the daughters of the SBU priishov before them at the rostashuvannya, stinked alcohol, pislya tsyogo vin zapononuvav ім занятьсяся розшуком осіб, які збувають наркочиві засоби, - розповів Artem Киско.

Viskas vijskovo sluzhbovets' simply on volitsi zupiniv pershogo-lishshogo perehorogov. Nim vyavivsya sama 43-rіchny znіliy. Pіdozryuvannyh почав спілкуватися з it, звинуватив у торгівлі drugs and that by force in a car. Vin zazhadav, schob vyskovskogo sluzhbovtsi yogo soprovorzhuvali dopomagali yomu "achieve the truth". Vony vihayali at lisoposadku, de ostavnіy pochav допитувати чоловіка з використанням сили, а саме - ріляти handrailі із терпілим з табебельної зброї - пістолета ПМ, наносити чисельні удари у житєво важливі Organization.

So yak patripilomu skazati buno nichogo, tse zlobilo pidozryuvannogo, vin zv'yazav yogo scotch ta prodzhivav nabeti hit with your hands that legs. Tse called before the traumas, the hulls, the head, the yak nalidok - the death.

Zgіdno with displays svidkіv, if stinks poehali, bitterly giving signs zhittya. Two stinks filled the yogi. Після цього вже намагалися приховати сліди злочину.

Zhytty people people court in 300 tysyach grivnas Vijskovo sluzhbovtsi, yaki volleyu dolby became svidkami evil, bully dopitanyi slyidchim sudeyu, showed on the adobe exposes the evil: de all vidbuvalosya, kudi tak ya biv pidozryuzovany, de vin buv, if zdіysnyuvav posts.

- Poboyuyuchis for the vile life, svidki zvernulisya to slidchogo z vidpovidnoyu zakazvoyu claiming zastosuvannya before them zadhodov baked, scurvy persona, yak skoila treasures of evil men, perebuvala on volya ta mala real mozhnivist tisnuti vlivati ??on them. Acknowledged statement of the buli negoyno rozglyanuti ta on pіdstavi order prosecutor viaskovo prosecutor's office vidnosno svidkiv buly zastosovanny go bezpeki - having designated the colonel polіції.

In the course of the day, the bilo is used to show evidence: a car, a yakim was transported a patient, a scoundrel, a scoundrel, and a mobile telephone of a patient, a kind of pidoscience passed on to svidkam, Vyskovskovsluzhbovtsyam. In all subjects, examination is carried out.

15 Bereznya zatrimanoi poizdomleno about pidozru y vchinennnyi kriminalnogo pravoporoshennya, peredbashchenogo n. 4 hours. 2 items. 115 (Umisne vbivstvo, vchinene z eslobovoyu zhorostokistyu) The Criminal Code of Ukraine. Санкція цієї статті передбачає поранрання у вигляді побавлення волі line від 10 to 15 років або довічне побавлення волі.

Досудове розслідування у кказаному кримінальным провадженні здійснюється військовою procurator's office of Donetsk garnіzonu perebuvєє at the control of the prosecutor's office of the forces of the antiterrorist operation.

Робота поліції Донеччини з розкриття of the resonant evil, in the bravado of neobviousness, the bullet is assigned to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

Prior to the National Council of Ukraine, a copy of the list of the head prosecutor of the prosecutor's office was sent to the pro-hunters for patronage of the manager of the administration of the cartel of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education in the Donetsk region of Artem Vasitsky, who casually borrowed the vzbivstva. Designate, scho "oboruntovane priyatagnennya osib before kriminalnogo vidpіdalnosti became mozhlivim zavdyaki literate planuvanu that conducted a complex of nehhіdnih slіdchih dіy colonel polіtsії Vasitsky A. , A sort of coordinated by living in the same way with the legislation of the calls of the ass of the shvidkogo, the reinstallation of the security posts ".

Aly sisіsilya polіtsії t prosecutor's office of buli perekeslenі rіshennyam to the court about obrannja zapobіzhnogo zahodu підозрюваному.

The Court of Justice vs Zibranі provi ta priinyav rishennya about utriannya pidozryuvannogo pіd vartoyu z alternative zabojnim zagoda u viglyadі zavidi. Narazi pіdozryuvannym made an outpost near rozmіrі 308 800 hryvnia, that ostannogo zvіlneno з-під варти.

Свідків залякують?.

Ymovirno, the sub-group has become the drive for rozpysyugzhennya svidkami інформації, що нібито їх свідчення "vibivalisya" by unauthorized methods, to vicarities of violence. This is the rank of svidki namagayutsya ochorniti spivrobitnikiv politsii, to introduce into the Oman the organ of the detainee resilience, that yak nalidok oppoti unikennuyu pokarannya wine special. Adzhe pidozryuvannomu zagrozhuє up to 15 rocky zazavlennya voli abov dovіchnya uv'yaznennya.

Artem Kysko nagoloshuyu, sho commando vys'kovoi parti nada y sternvnyi organ vladi, ZMI zavіdomo nefravdivu іnformatsіyu ya svoimi dіami, at that nalichі із залученням the central засобів масової information, discredit the law enforcement organization, Chiniti.

- Tse all do not meet the criteria of the future, abi uniknuti krimіnalno vіdpovіdalnosti. Усі свідчення зафіксовані за допомогою технічних засобів, в суді свід донінні слідчим суддею, оглянуті в мезакладах, жодної скарги на дії співробітників поліції, війської prosecutor's office вони невыловлювали, - підкреслив Артем Кисько.

"I will not turn my sina. I want justice. "In a heartbroken maternal deprivation, one meal" For the sake of yo-yo? ". Жінка бережливо розкладає фото, на яких виглядає усміхнене видьчя вбитого та його 11-річного сина, дружини. In kimnatі, de nednevna pratsyuvav telvіzor ta rasdavavsya dzvіnky voice, now quiet. And on two tables, the list of photographs and ... liki. Жінка - інвалід, яка has transferred the infarction, the inoculum, folds the operation on the backbone, pidtrymuyu zdorovya with mountains of tablets, infusions deprive one, but I'm present at the vyrenenny viroku hurricane sin.

"Sin Viyshov from the cafe. Ці троє були дуже п'яні. Yomu drugs were attributed, it is seen that the bulo was bigger. Uyavlyaete, on skhilі vіku, і axis so we obbreshati, scho trafficked drugs ... I'm now hodzhu, meni soromno. Menі zdesєt'sya, scho teper vsyі finger tichut ', - згадує матір той день.

From time to time, with the eldest blue, stinks were joking at the youngest of the days, by kinsmen, by nobles, by navigators, by strangers, by simply passing on to vuluts.

- Miku were joking, joking, and I was discriminating, but yo yo in lisosmuzi znajshli. Tse slidchy kazhe, there znajshli corpse pіd Krasnogorivka, treba їхати на впізнання. And I think that's the one in Krasnogorivtsi, the less of the Duma did not have a boule. I'm in the blue for puhala. Vin saying "Mom, tselin! ". In the morgue zaisov. "Te good luck, can not tse vin", and sin vidpovidaye - mom, tse vin, kazhe, all pobitiy, the whole synya. I thought there would be a rose in the sky, "- the spokesman for the wife.

- Tsu bouw shock. Kolya Ludin was so kindly put up to Vys'kovichi and some of them died. Boulo is more articulate, - the brother, the elder elder brother of 2 patriarchs.

І, zasalosya b, politsіya vіdvilala obstanovni, zіbrala osnovnі зиtazi ta show, ось axis-axis zlomisnik postane before the court, as much on zhinku chekalo new viprobuvannya. Vona otrimala zvistku, scho teper svyodki vidmovlyayutsya vid nadanii rannіs otkaziv і kazut, scho ... їh zmusili.

- I read, but stoleta 115 not підлягає заставі. And then the lawyer kazhe, scho yogo vypustili. I silya siju ... People are kind ... And now I already think so, I'm not slydchy, I've been plowing all the time, yak rabinya, but I'll put pressure on the tsikh cotton. So the axis teper kloptsі daiyut інші покази, по сценарію. A politsіya vinuvata ... Zatrimala, and teper vinuvata, kazhe matіrі and immediately додає: "So, I will not turn my sina. Ale, I want justice. Shchob їх punished according to the law, according to our law, the Ukrainian law. Vin same giving an oath zahishchat Ukrainian people, but scho vin zrobiv? Vin typing innocent people, just wanted yomu so. Navit is not in cholovitchomu! Biti lying, hiba possible? Shoveling yogo, beating, scotch tape.

Axis yakshcho b ditinu yogo so beat, yak bi ven vchiniv on my mіtsіі? Він, мабуть, на шматки розірвав його, впевнена. I want a fair trial, abi vin vidpovіv for its own sake, for znushchanya over my sine ".

- The sparrow was cut off at once, if people, crouching by the land, zvanni, became self-defeated. Tse duzhe neprestno. І dojo good, scho є people, yakі zim zaimayutsya i want to bring the truth. Budomo spodivatisya, scho so i bude ", - pidssuivuє brother.


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