Tea for longevity: What are the advantages of the popular drink?

26 November 2024, 21:33 | Health 
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Tea for longevity: What are the advantages of a popular drink? In recent years, the popularity of tea has grown not only because of its deliciousness, but also because of the numerical research that confirms its origins in power.. One of the main aspects that the fakhivtsy emphasizes is the addition of tea to the level of cholesterol and healthy health that you can enjoy for a long time.

It appears that tea is an important source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body. These radicals cause oxidative processes that lead to deterioration of the cells and the development of chronic illnesses. Zocrema, green tea is known for its high content of catechins, which may have strong antioxidant power.

Numerical studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea can reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood. This is especially important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and stroke. Drinking tea can help change the vests associated with these countries.

In addition, tea can be drunk on the trivialities of life. A study carried out in Japan demonstrated that people who regularly drink tea experience the same level of life as those who do not drink tea.. This is due to the fact that tea improves the health of the body and supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Another important power of tea is its effect on metabolism. Tea can help speed up the metabolism of speech, which, in turn, helps control Vag and reduce obesity. This is another reason why tea is popular for promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, tea, especially green tea, has significant potential for promoting health and longevity. This food can be used not only to reduce cholesterol, but also to improve the quality of life. However, to achieve the maximum effect, it is important to include tea in a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle..

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Источник: NeBoley.com.ua