Pyanich completed his career with the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina

05 May 2024, 00:18 | Football 
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Legend of Bosnian football.

The great sufferer of Turin Lyon, Romy, Juventus and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMiral Pjanic, announced the end of his career with the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

" This is, insanely, one of the most complex solutions that I had the pleasure of praising, and with great pride and great satisfaction I say: finish.

I played 115 matches, felt so much joy, spent the world on the championship - all this was my dream from childhood, which became a reality. I have always worn a T-shirt of my country with love and pride, for my people, for our dedicated patients all over the world,” Pyanich wrote on social media Instagram.

At the warehouse of the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 34-year-old Miralem Pjanic won 115 matches, scoring 17 goals and providing 29 assists. Making his debut at the warehouse of the Bosnian national team, the official graver of the Emirati Sharjah on the 20th September 2008 in a friendly match with Bulgaria (1:2).
