Slovan terminated the contract with Gerson Rodrigues

03 May 2024, 21:26 | Football 
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The capital of Luxembourg may turn to Dynamo Kiev.

Slovan on his official website voted about the release of the lease from winger Gerson Rodriguez.

In this manner, the 28-year-old Luxembourger, who has been leased with the right to buy in this cruel fate, may turn to Dynamo Kiev.

During this hour, Gerson competed in all matches, scoring five goals and providing one assist.

Slovan became the champion of the Czech Championship, and Rodriguez did not compete in their warehouse since 13 February.

" I'm sorry, why did this happen?. This is an incredibly bright football player. Prote talent and strengths are not enough, as there are other elements that are key to professional football - discipline, professionalism, lifestyle.

Zhoden Gravec is not much more than a team or a club. We were looking for ways to properly deal with the pre-stroke application of Gerson’s re-importance, which we got. Gerson was our tenant, so we were able to do this in such a way that the club would not be harmed,” said the general director of the club, Ivan Kmotrik Jr..

Additionally, Berezna Gerson received 18 months of imprisonment for domestic violence. Have kvitna wines without turning back to the club from the international tax in Luxembourg.

It is also significant that Rodriguez’s contract with insurance is until the summer of 2025.
