Girona was called for financial ruins under the hour of Dovbik’s transfer

03 May 2024, 19:49 | Football 
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The Catalan club will have to deal with UEFA.

Ukrainian striker Artem Dovbik has become a phenomenal addition to Gironi, having moved from Dnipro-1 last summer, and the Catalan club is now facing problems through this transfer. This is reported by Football-Espana as reported on Mundo Deportivo.

Lawyer Yevgen Kuzmin called for resentment of the clubs at the bottom of the destruction under the hour of work on the transfer market in the wake of bygone fate.

It is confirmed that the Shahrai plan was implemented using the method of evading the payment of taxes in Ukraine.

" If we talk about sports law, the football player is registered as a client of a Ukrainian company. This organization is deprived of the right to pay for Dovbik.

I hope that the competent authorities of UEFA, before which I prepared the money, will investigate the damage and praise the fair and adequate solutions. I am confident that the UAF will have the greatest respect for this food,” said Kuzmin.

If the case on the right is true, then Girona may face serious consequences if her offense is revealed. The fine will be mild punishment, and the ultimate sanction could be exclusion from La Liga and the Champions League, which may be expected in the coming season..

This season Dovbik played 34 matches, in which he scored 19 goals and provided 19 assists. He is currently the highest scorer in La Liga.
