Sancho set a record among English champions from Liza

02 May 2024, 14:10 | Football 
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Jadon needs to leave Dortmund.

Borussia Dortmund managed to beat PSG (1:0) in the first Champions League semi-final match.

One of the main heroes of the last match was the winger of the German club Jadon Sancho. The Englishman scored 12 (17 tests) and in the future I will beat the team from PSG. This is the best result of the Champions League semi-final since the beginning of 2008, if Lionel Messi scored 16 tests at the Barcelona warehouse and beat the team from Manchester United.

In addition, Sancho set a record for this performance with Liza, the English champions in the entire history of the tournament.

Guess what, the match between Borussia Dortmund and French PSG will take place this evening, at 22:00 Kyiv time.
