First care about teeth

30 April 2024, 15:14 | Health 
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Between the sixth and ninth months of your child's life comes an important period - the appearance of the first teeth. This is a joyful prospect, but it is accompanied by a great number of unpleasantnesses. During this period, babies may experience discomfort, which is accompanied by wheezing, excessive sleepiness and swelling of the face.. It is important to give your body a variety of foods to relieve discomfort, such as gum rings or bread crusts that you can chew..

Teething symptoms can vary from child to child, but are completely normal.. Some children understand this process more easily than others. It is important to remember that teeth can begin to wear out either earlier or later than expected, and this is not normal..

The teeth appear in pairs, at intervals of a month or two. The lower central incisors appear on the kidney, then the upper central incisors, and then the side incisors. Bring to life the baby, having already grown from six to eight teeth. However, taking long breaks or misaligned tooth appearance may be a sign of problems such as rickets.

It is important to go to the selection of items in order to eliminate the need for additional intelligence. It is not recommended to use a pacifier before teething, as this may lead to the development of a malocclusion. It would be better to give your child a gum toy that they can chew safely and with satisfaction.

To relieve pain and discomfort, you can use a tincture for swelling of the eyes, which can be obtained in the pharmacy. This will help soften the baby's body and make it easier. However, as children grow in the world, the growth of new teeth becomes less intense.

After the appearance of scratchy teeth, pay special attention to empty mouth hygiene. Gradually introduce solid foods into your diet to help train your teeth.. After eating hedgehogs, rinse your mouth with water. Also remember the importance of proper nutrition to prevent the development of caries.

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