Futsal. Sky Up beat Aurora in the first match of the Extra League playoffs

27 April 2024, 18:59 | Football 
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Another and third match of the series will take place in the middle of the morning.

Sky Up in the first intense match of the series 1/4 final of the Ukrainian Extra League with futsal, beating Aurora with a score of 4:3.

Aurora started the match at the start of the match thanks to the efforts of Rostislav Semenchenko, who returned after an injury. Then the kiyans compared the numbers on the scoreboard with Igor Saltanov’s zusills.

After a few weeks, Orest Borgun again lives in Aurora forward, and in three years, Yuri Shcheritsya compares with him.

Then Vladislav Kornev saw Sky Up forward, but there was a confirmation from Aurora, at the warehouse of which Semenchenko had issued a double.

A week before the end of the match, Sky Up realized the standard with Mikiti Tmenova's strength and won the first match.

The other and third match of the playoff series will be held in the middle of the grass at the Aurora home arena.

Sky Up - Aurora 4:3 Goals: Saltanov, 8, Shcheritsya, 13, Kornev, 18, Tmenov, 39 — Semenchenko, 3, 18, Borgun, 10.

Источник: football.ua