Official: Arsenal extended White's contract

14 March 2024, 20:56 | Football 
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Romano, who is ahead of everyone else.

London Arsenal have extended the contract of the team's reigning henchman Ben White. This is reported on the official website of the Gunners..

According to the information of the ubiquitous insider Fabrizio Romano, the new contract will expire until the summer of 2028 with the possibility of extension for another season.

Gunners head coach Mikel Arteta commented on the re-signing of the contract with White.

“It’s wonderful that White is connecting his future with the club. Ben is a key leader for us, a professional of the highest calibre, with an overcoming mentality and one of the guys who gives back every day.

Cheerfulness and a positive attitude are very important, but he is a wonderful footballer and person. We are all looking forward to continuing our work with Ben in the near future."
