Buschan: The captain's armband becomes more uniform

13 March 2024, 14:04 | Football 
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Dynamo Kiev goalkeeper commented on the victory over Zorey.

In the twenty-first round of the Ukrainian Premier League, Dynamo Kiev won the home game against Lugansk Zorya.

Dynamo - Zorya 2:0 Video of goals and review of the UPL match Goalkeeper of the "

" The weather is crazy, today it’s not football, but a little bit of anti-football. We trained ourselves to be important and tried everything to win.

At the pre-match break-up the field was near the shortest camp. Farther on, as the game progressed, the little ones relaxed on the lawn and then played their football.

Be careful in such a field? Today we are in the turmoil of Dynamo Kiev, we were only thinking about victory, but we’ll think about the election tomorrow.

Those that are more consistent with the captain's armband are 100%. Let me point out that the captain’s bandage itself “knew” me, because the boys were recovering from injuries. I wish them to get dressed soon, and be healthy, so that after the pause associated with the national team matches, the stinks will turn to the rims and help us on the field. Any additional bindings? No, everything is the same as before.

If you think about trash, then it will happen. That’s why we were determined to win, we jumped back and played “to zero”. Boules are 100% filled, forget what else.

Turning Yarmolenka? In fact, it gives a lot to the team, strength, and dedication. When we come out, we know that we are human, and we can make a difference in the field..

We would like to thank our ZSU for those who give patients the opportunity to go to matches. We need their encouragement, and we are happy to play for them. For us, skin cancer is sacred, but for patients with pain, it is even more so..

Skin victory adds strength and motivation to work through each day and improve your bones.. Zbirna? It is clear that they are charged for the upcoming matches. We are confident that we are encouraged by our patients. Europe has a lot of Ukrainians, and they strongly encourage us. “I will be happy to see them in the stands,” said the Ukrainian Vikon..

At the upcoming tour, Kiev Dynamo is hosting in Transcarpathian Minaya.

Источник: football.ua