Coach of Bosnia and Herzegovina - about the match with Ukraine: Home field is our advantage

05 March 2024, 20:49 | Football 

The team of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the favorite of the rivalry with Ukraine to qualify for Euro 2024, respects the coach of the Bosnian team Savo Milosevic.

" And other speeches that we will champion as superiority. I can’t reveal the details, but it’s crazy, important, that we can insure on a number of evidenced graves. However, to put it bluntly, before the match with Ukraine we do not need euphoria, but calm and faith in our team,” Milosevic is quoted as saying by Klix.

Previously, the warehouse of prefabricated goods from Bosnia and Herzegovina became visible.

The match Bosnia and Herzegovina - Ukraine will take place on 21 February at 21:45. If they win, the Ukrainian team will play against the Israel-Iceland bet..
