Poli: I think that for the first time everything is obvious. Inter to hold a live championship

01 March 2024, 15:39 | Football 
Стефано Піолі, Getty Images

Milan head coach Stefano Pioli commented on the championship race in the Italian Serie A.

“I think that for the first time it’s obvious to finish everything. Inter to hold a new championship, and a folding calendar, in which everyone won: having reached this point, it is very easy and rewarding. I think it's all over.

Inter championship in derby? The 21st quarter is still a long way off. Now we have a match from Lazio in order. This is a team of virtuous vigor, so that you will be more motivated. They can be placed in a twisted position, which is very intense and extremely long, with a length of 90 minutes,” says the website of journalist Alfredo Pedulli.

After 26 rounds, Inter finishes Serie A, ahead of Juventus by 12 points. Milan is in the third row and 16 points ahead of the Nerazzurri.

Guess what, the match Lazio - Milan will be held today, February 1st, at 21:45 Kyiv time.

По материалам: alfredopedulla.com