Ukrzaliznytsia counted how many trains arrive and depart on time

28 February 2024, 18:56 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

According to estimates of the national operator of railway passenger transportation, 94% of Ukrzaliznytsia trains in domestic traffic arrive on schedule. Average train departure time is 97%. These characteristics are calculated from the beginning of this year.

“Despite the fact that a full-scale war continues in the country, the vast majority of Ukrainian trains depart and arrive in strict accordance with the developed schedule,” Ukrzaliznytsia notes..

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Outside the country, the accuracy of train movement is much less.

Taking into account international traffic, the on-time performance indicator is lower - 88%. Ukrzaliznytsia explains this by the need to wait, for example when Ukrainian trains in Przemysl or Chop await the arrival of trains from EU countries with Ukrainians. “In such cases, dispatchers of all involved railways exchange information and coordinate the delay time necessary for the transfer,” the railway carrier clarifies in the official press release.

For example, on February 27, due to a 3-hour delay of a Czech flight from Prague, Ukrzaliznytsia specifically delayed the departure of flight No. 706 Przemysl - Kyiv by 1.52 hours. The train waited for 135 passengers to transfer.

It was previously reported that the service for refunding money for tickets, which previously worked only at the box office and for which you had to write a paper application and wait in line, has now been transferred to digital form. To do this, you need to use the special website " The digital process requires only an electronic version of the application.

Источник: Зеркало недели