Pizza: cinnamon herb for health, especially in old age

17 February 2024, 13:59 | Health 
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Pizza: cinnamon herb for health, especially in old age Pizza, perhaps, is one of the most favorite herbs in many parts of the world, but you can also use cinnamon for health? These investigations show that it can be a source of power, especially for older people..

According to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pizza can be beneficial for health, especially for elderly people. Scientists have found that a healthy diet is associated with a lower risk of developing certain illnesses, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and types of cancer..

One of the key components of the diet, which can contribute to health, is tomatoes, which contain a large number of antioxidants, such as lycopene.. This antioxidant helps protect the skin from inflammation and inflammation, which can be especially bad for older people.

In addition, the bird may be rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are essential for health. For example, cheese, which is often used as a storehouse of food, calcium, vitamin D and other bark stores that promote healthy brushes and teeth.

It is important to ensure that your diet should be balanced and within the recommended norm, since a large number of foods or living with undesirable folds can be harmful to your health.. However, in the world of health, pizza can be a tasty and rich addition to the diet, especially for elderly people who want to maintain their health.

