In the near future, large retailers will not be able to take part in the supply of food for the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to R

25 March 2023, 14:01 | Policy 
фото с Зеркало недели

Large retailers will not be able to take part in food supplies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to the decision of Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov to block the results of the two-month work of the intergovernmental working group (IWG), the Anti-Corruption Action Center said. The CPC noted that this situation will continue at least in the near future..

“For two months, the IWG, headed by the Minister of Economy, worked on developing adequate requirements for food suppliers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The logic is simple: to create transparent conditions and competition in this process, which will lead to the fact that the prices for products for the Armed Forces of Ukraine will correspond to the “supermarket”, and not exceed them several times,” said Vitaly Shabunin, head of the CPC.

It was indicated that Deputy Defense Minister Denis Sharapov attended all meetings of the working group, coordinating the relevant recommendations. However, as the CPC added, during the government meeting, Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov protested against the document..

\? The MoD wants the retailer to show them exact price estimates without any information about delivery locations and volumes.. And for obvious reasons, this is impossible.. This is the cooperation of the state with honest business,” the CPC noted..

Today the Cabinet of Ministers will once again try to adopt recommendations on transparent procurement.

“And we hope without hope that this time business will open the way to transparent bidding. Otherwise, on June 22, the Ministry of Defense may become very sick. Since it is on this date that all prices for armed purchases for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, starting from 24. 02. 2022. All this is in accordance with the law developed by the anti-corrosive committee with the participation of both the Ministry of Economy and the CPC,” the CPC added..

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Recall that ZN. UA published data on the procurement of food for the army by the Ministry of Defense. The investigation says that the Ministry of Defense signed an agreement for UAH 13 billion with a company with an authorized capital of a thousand hryvnias.. That is, a “laying” company was specially created.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense claims that the published ZN. UA information about the purchase at inflated prices of products for the military allegedly has " However, as the head of the Anti-Corruption Action Center Vitaly Shabunin notes, the Ministry of Defense in its “refutation” could not explain a single figure, but did not state the main thing - that the investigation was a fake. In addition, Shabunin suggests, the published corruption story is not the only one in Reznikov's department..

Read more in the article by Yury Nikolov “Teel rats of the Ministry of Defense during the war “saw” on food for the Armed Forces of Ukraine more than during civilian life”.

Источник: Зеркало недели