Compensation as foundation for the future: Poland insists on reparations from Germany - Morawiecki

04 September 2022, 11:10 | Peace 
фото с Зеркало недели

Poland will insist on the payment of reparations from Germany for the actions of the Nazis in World War II. Such a statement was made by Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki during a ceremony to commemorate the victims of German crimes in the fall of 1939 in Bydgoszcz, his press service reported..

The head of the Polish government, speaking in the so-called Valley of Death, where from 1200 to 6000 Poles were killed in 1939, said that from the first days of the war the Germans showed their real goal - not only the conquest, but also the destruction of the Polish nation.

“When the Germans went to Poland, they followed the order of Hitler, who told them: have no mercy for the Poles,” said the head of government.

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The Prime Minister referred to a report on German war reparations submitted on September 1, which estimated that the Germans had caused damage to the Poles in the amount of 6 trillion 220 billion 608 million zlotys (about 1.3 trillion US dollars)..

“We want to seek reimbursement, compensation, compensation, because only on such a foundation can the future be built,” he stressed.. “The spirits of our ancestors, who died in terrible circumstances at the hands of the German occupiers, cry out for truth, justice and compensation.”.

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Recall that the German government rejects the demands of Poland to pay reparations for the damage caused to it by Nazi Germany in World War II.. Like, the position of the federal government is unchanged - the issue of reparations is closed, because Poland refused them back in 1953 and repeatedly confirmed this.

Источник: Зеркало недели