Rapper Yarmak told what he does at the front: "

30 August 2022, 14:17 | gossip 
фото с ТСН.ua

Rapper Yarmak, whose real name is Oleksandr Yarmak, is now defending Ukraine from Russian invaders..

As soon as Russia launched a full-scale invasion, the performer went to the draft board. However, he managed to get into the service only on February 25 thanks to friends.

" And already on February 25, I found an opportunity to get into the Armed Forces of Ukraine through an acquaintance,"

In general, they planned to first send the artist to study, but he flatly refused. There was no time to learn new skills.

" The first is to go to the training center, but the war, so to speak, has already been in Kyiv. I ended up in a unit with guys who were all with combat experience. We stayed in the guard company. And then he moved to another place,"

Alexander was originally a grenade launcher. Subsequently, Yarmak nevertheless underwent military exercises. Now he works as an aerial reconnaissance. The performer not only conducts reconnaissance in the air, but also adjusts the sight.

" Now we do everything just as well - aerial reconnaissance. In this direction, I'm really effective,"

The performer was released to Kyiv for several days. And before that, he was in the Kharkiv region, where he supported the Ukrainian defenders.

" We were sent from the General Staff to congratulate our military in the Kharkiv region,"

Источник: ТСН.ua