Germany fears attacks on energy infrastructure

15 August 2022, 00:15 | Peace 
фото с Зеркало недели

Against the backdrop of fears in connection with the upcoming heating season in Germany, attacks on energy sector facilities are not ruled out.

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According to her, Berlin admits the possibility of " However, she does not expect mass protests and riots, it is noted further..

The head of the German Interior Ministry also pointed out that the threat from the Russian Federation, waging a full-scale war against Ukraine, led to changes in German internal security policy.. "

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Feser noted the successful work of the German security forces in this area: since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, there has not been a single successful major Russian cyber attack on German systems.

In response to the war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the European Union sharply limited the supply of Russian energy. In particular, the import of Russian coal was completely stopped, and oil supplies were significantly limited.. In addition, the EU countries and Brussels are taking measures to phase out Russian gas..

In turn, Gazprom has already unilaterally stopped deliveries to a number of EU countries and significantly reduced the volume of gas exports to some other countries, in particular to Germany..

The EU has adopted an emergency plan to reduce natural gas consumption, which provides that all EU countries will voluntarily reduce gas consumption by 15 percent from the beginning of August to March 2023, compared to the average consumption over the past five years during this period. According to the European Commission, in this way the EU countries will have to save a total of 45 billion cubic meters of gas.

Источник: Зеркало недели