The start of the ES-2022 may be rescheduled a day earlier

10 August 2022, 15:18 | Football 
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On the right at the clergy of the country-gospodarka.

World Championship 2022 in Qatar has already become one of the most scandalous in the history of the tournament, but still ahead.

FIFA is going to change the date of the first match in the tournament for the prohannya of the country-states, support The Athletic.

The championship of the world is to blame for the start of the match between Senegal and the Netherlands. Due to those that the calendar is already confirmed, the most effective option to solve the problem is to postpone the starting match a day earlier.

It is clear that the ES-2022 starts on the 20th of the fall of the leaves with a match between Qatar and Ecuador.

Earlier it was reported that the CAN was postponed to 2024.
