Karavaev won the 300th match at the warehouse of Ukrainian clubs

10 August 2022, 13:01 | Football 
фото с football.ua

Vіtaєmo zahisnika white-blue іz juvіleєm!

The match against Sturm became the 300th match for Oleksandr Karavaev at the warehouse of Ukrainian teams, supporting the official website of the capital club.

If you blame for the temples of stepping forward for Fenerbahce, who recently scored a possible ball against Liza champions, then "

At the warehouse of Dynamo Oleksandr won 104 fights, 166 rounds near Zora and 30 — near Sevastopol.

As for the duration of the tournaments, then maybe I’ll get a picture - 51 grams in European cups, 216 in the championship of Ukraine, 30 in the cup and 3 in the super cup.


Источник: football.ua