Vivcharenko: Not sleeping after debut for Dynamo

07 August 2022, 20:51 | Football 
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Zakhisnik kiyan hanging out ahead of the match against Sturm.

Defender of Kiev Dynamo Kostyantyn Vivcharenko commenting on his debut match at the warehouse of the capital club against Fenerbahce.

On top of that, the graveman shared his thoughts ahead of the match-in the third round of qualification against Sturma.

" I'm in Dynamo from 13 Rocks, my own club. My family and I were already written. I couldn't sleep all night after that match. Emotions changed me.

Now I need to train harder to show that I can play for such a club like Dynamo Kiev. I destroy everything that I see to lie.

The atmosphere of the team is good, everything is positive ahead of the match against Sturm. We know how to play a super player and analyze those pardons, which were launched under the hour of the first match.

We are grateful for the sake of all Ukraine, for the sake of our evil forces. I really want to give holy to the whole country. Let's try to win over the skin match. I know at the forefront, at Kharkiv directly. The stinks from the very childishness cheer for Dynamo, they called me up, cheered me out of the win,"

Let's guess that the duel Sturm - Dynamo will pass the ninth sickle at the Merkur Arena stadium near the city of Graz. Zustrichi cob - about 21:30 for the Kiev hour. On Football. ua text online broadcast will be available.
