Ukrainian Luzan won the second gold of the 2022 World Championships in rowing

07 August 2022, 20:44 | Sports 
фото с Зеркало недели

Ukrainian canoeist Lyudmila Luzan became a two-time world rowing champion in Halifax, Canada.

Luzan takes first place in the 500m canoe singles. The Ukrainian managed to overcome this distance in 2 minutes and 22.34 seconds and was ahead of the Canadian Sofia Jensen by 0.87 seconds..

Women's Canoe Singles 500m.

Ludmila Luzan (Ukraine) - 2:22.34.

Sofia Jensen (Canada) - +0.87.

Maria Maillard (Chile) - +2.09.

For Luzan, this is the second gold at the 2022 World Cup - she previously became the first in the canoe single at a distance of 1000 meters. She also has silver in the tournament among canoe-twos at a distance of 500 meters paired with Anastasia Chetverikova.

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Earlier, the Ukrainian vice-world champion spoke about her parents in occupied Kherson.

Источник: Зеркало недели