Zibrov about Polyakova and Efrosinina, who cannot switch to Ukrainian: "

03 August 2022, 00:39 | gossip 
фото с ТСН.ua

Performer Pavel Zibrov commented on the statements of singer Olya Polyakova and host Masha Efrosinina, who cannot switch to Ukrainian.

The artist says that speaking Ukrainian is not difficult. Moreover, according to Zibrov, both Polyakov and Efrosinina speak Ukrainian perfectly.

The celebrity added that if their Ukrainian is not perfect now, then later they will be able to speak their native language fluently..

" Efrosinina fine and Polyakova say. If somewhere the words are sharpened there by chance - nothing! There's nothing wrong with that. They will not be mocked. Even if someone somewhere says the first time in Surzhik, the second - in a month, in two they will completely talk. So go ahead and don't be shy. Polyakova, can you hear me Efrosinina, speak our native language! Russian is out of fashion now. All. Not at all in fashion. And for a long time,"

Pavel Zibrov himself speaks exclusively Ukrainian since childhood.. Only in rare cases did the performer switch to Russian.

Источник: ТСН.ua