Diabetes: nutritionist Ponomareva called a hot drink that significantly reduces sugar levels

23 July 2022, 14:18 | Health 
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Diabetes: nutritionist Ponomareva called a hot drink that significantly reduces sugar levels Diabetes is a serious disease that can have serious consequences for life. But as with some other diseases, what you eat and drink can make a difference when it comes to risk reduction..

Type 2 diabetes is much more common, and high blood sugar is usually caused by being overweight or not exercising enough..

While it's well known that reducing sugar and fat intake can help diabetics, a study has shown that a regular hot drink can also play a role..

" Their report concluded that the drink "

Type 2 diabetes: A drink that " If it ranges from 100 to 125 mg/dl, this is considered pre-diabetes, and 126 mg/dl and above means that the patient has diabetes..

Type 2 Diabetes: A Cheap Drink That 'Significantly' Lowers Blood Sugar in Minutes 'The pooled results showed that green tea significantly lowered fasting blood glucose by -1.44 mg/dl without apparent heterogeneity. However, green tea consumption did not significantly affect fasting insulin and HbA1c values,” Ponomareva adds..

If you live with type 2 diabetes, your doctor recommends:.

Eat a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and some starchy foods like pasta Minimize sugar, fat, and salt Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day - don't skip meals https://www.. medicalforum. en/ Keywords:.

Источник: NeBoley.com.ua