Doctors called an alcoholic drink dangerous for the heart

23 July 2022, 11:38 | Health 
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This is not about vodka, but about different types of cocktails obtained by mixing different types of spirits..

It's no news to anyone that alcohol in large quantities is harmful to the human body.. But far more dangerous are cocktails obtained by combining several alcoholic drinks, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net As scientists have found out, some alcoholic drinks in themselves pose a serious threat to the human cardiovascular system. Combined in one glass, such mixtures acquire a “nuclear” effect for the heart..

When drinking alcoholic cocktails, an increase in the number of heart contractions. Alcohol in combination with energy drinks, which are often added to cocktails, leads to a warming up of the body, due to a rapid heartbeat.. This effect can be fatal for some people..

Alcoholic cocktails bring the greatest danger to “drunk” people who are trying to recover from prolonged alcohol use with the help of “light” alcoholic beverages.. This opinion is erroneous, since when drinking alcohol, the blood vessels first expand, and during a hangover, their narrowing occurs even more.. It is for this reason that various vascular disorders occur in the body, up to strokes and cardiac arrest..

medical-heal. en.

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