The media got a draft of the new EU sanctions package against Russia, designated as the "

19 July 2022, 17:16 | Economy 
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A draft of the new EU sanctions list, which, in particular, included high-ranking officials, Russian actors and the pro-government biker club Night Wolves Zaldostanov, was published by EUObserver.

From the published project, it became known that the following will be subject to sanctions:.

First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Andrey Belousov (the document says that “the day after the invasion, he attended a meeting in the Kremlin and urged the Russian oligarchs who had gathered there to continue cooperation with sanctioned Russian banks”),.

Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin (he is considered close to Putin in the EU).

two People's Artists of Russia - Sergei Bezrukov and Vladimir Mashkov.

In addition, the sanctions list.

— President of the Europe branch of the Night Wolves club Josef Hambalek and head of the club Alexander Zaldostanov; — Relatives and associates of the “Russian oligarchs” who previously fell under sanctions, including Oleg Deripaska’s cousin Pavel Ezubov;

The list also includes those whom the Russian authorities appointed to lead the occupied Ukrainian cities.. In total, the sanctions will affect 47 individuals and nine legal entities..

The "

In addition, the sanctions package prohibits the purchase of Russian gold.

On the bad news: the sixth plus package clarifies that food and agricultural products are not subject to sanctions. Food-related transactions of sanctions banks will also be exempted from sanctions.

Recall, as the Guardian newspaper wrote, diplomats call this package " This is also confirmed by sources in diplomatic circles: the package rather complements the already imposed sanctions..

In addition, the Head of EU Diplomacy also commented on this package..

“Now that the war is dragging on and energy prices are rising, people in Europe and elsewhere are wondering if these sanctions are working and/or if their side effects are too great.. We do not minimize the various problems that may arise, including attempts to circumvent restrictive measures, but sanctions remain an important political tool,” Josep Borrell wrote in his blog on the European Union page.

According to Borrell, after the sanctions of 2014 in the agricultural sector, Russia has learned to adapt, but now it will be much more difficult to “replace imports” of high-tech products, which are subject to restrictions..

The head of EU diplomacy stressed that Europe should not ease sanctions against Russia, but on the contrary, it should go for a “detoxification” from Russian energy carriers, even despite rising prices and inconvenience for the Europeans themselves.

As you know, the sixth package of sanctions, approved on June 2 after very long consultations, turned out to be quite painful for the Russian Federation.. In particular, it included an embargo on Russian oil, albeit with a delay, as well as some exceptions..

However, at the same time, the EU, without warning, weakened the already adopted package. In particular, the limitation of cloud technologies disappeared from there..

Источник: Зеркало недели